Forum Post: Government by the People for the People
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 7:20 a.m. EST by TheThinker
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Chill folks; few people saw the GFC coming, but now that it is here it highlights some weaknesses in our system.
Similarly, few people expected the damage George W did to the US and clearly he was not up to improving it.
This brings out a few points about a system that can be changed by a thinking and enlightened public:
Does this mean that choosing leaders, and thus our quality of life is a lottery? Can we reduce the likelihood of choosing bad leaders?
How come the system allows the thoughts and beliefs of leaders (both good and bad) to override the work of experts if these leaders can persuade the population.
The current system of governance in western countries is over 300 years old, and can really only be described as democracy one day in every 1,460 or similar.
Is the governance system really carved in stone, or could we incrementally improve it every 50 yrs or so, after careful planning and deliberation? i.e. include new technologies and new knowledge of the human condition
If the goal of Democracies like ours is "Government by the People for the People", then is it not our duty to use all the means at our disposal to more completely realise this goal.
The Thinker, Sydney
Hey Thinker, we are a Republic, not a Democracy.