Forum Post: Gov. tries to head off strike at Port of Portland
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 24, 2012, 10:17 a.m. EST by GirlFriday
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The pending strike is just one of three separate labor conflicts at the Port of Portland.
Wonder if we will see another action by the government to break a strike - like they did with the Air Traffic Controllers.
I prefer FDR's response to the Flint Sit Down Strike:
There ya go - proper support of the American People by The Federal Government - This Is What We Need To See Today!!!!!!! 1936
I am curious to that as well.
The only upshot will be watching all of those clowns that don't want government involved in anything will be cheer-leading those efforts.
Hmmm in this instance I wonder - If the government called in the national Guard to man strikers work posts - would the national guard comply?
Couldn't the Guard stand down? Support the strikers? Wouldn't that make TPTB shit their pants.
If I was a betting woman, I would lay my money on compliance.
No doubt - but in this instance I think the guard could refuse - treating it as an unlawful order to break the strike. That would be so awesome.
It would be awesome. I just think it's a highly unlikely scenario at this time.
Yep - unlikely - Such A Sad Thing To Figure as regards a government that is supposed to be for the people.
But We Do Not Have The Same Government for the people like we did in 1936. It is likely that it would all depend on the feelings of individual units.
Anyone who joins the military is required to take an oath to obey. That is why you rarely see the military not carry out orders. In wartime they can be executed for not following orders. In peacetime they can be thrown in jail (by a military court) or given dishonorable discharge. And "bad paper" will follow you the rest of your life and make things very difficult for you.
It is complicated - they swear an oath to defend this country and the constitution from foreign and domestic threats. And the national Guard was formed to work inside ( INSIDE ) the borders of this country to help the civilian population in times of trouble.
So one could argue that the national guard is being misused by the standing government - right now. Which would make orders issued illegal - as would orders that are issued that countermand their purpose of being.
You dont get dishonorable discharge for not following orders. Theres 5 levels of discharge.
Chesty Puller, famous Marine..."Take me to the brig, I want to see the REAL marines :)
This is why unions must be dissolved, they have trashed America
You are out of your fucking mind. Do you even know the history of what labor was like prior to unions? Working people, and even children, to death in dangerous work environments? What makes you think that these stinking fucking capitalists would restrain themselves from going right back to that shit if unions were removed? Labor is just a resource to them, like coal or any other resource they exploit to make themselves rich.
You are either full of shit or baiting people to get a rise out of them. Either way you're an idiot.
shep - isn't that a name of a dog or of a stooge? Being a new shep I figure a stooge. Besides dogs are friends of humanity.
I think it might be an acronym -- shithead exoprimate.
Your turn to name the stooge.
LOL - shithead epostile? Shit head ever present?
35% of workers were unionized in the 50's compared to just 12% now. So according to your logic, things should be getting better. Why aren't they?
There is a definite correlation between union participation and stagnant wages. Its just not the correlation you would like to see. Go get educated.
I do not need further education and have been on this Earth long enough to know the destruction unions cause
So, you stopped your education somewhere around Limbaugh.
Good to know.
"I do not need further education" is usually something that someone who isnt too educated says.
Bachelor degree here in computer science. So, how is that free obama phone working for you????
A BS or BA in Computer Science and you think that makes you smart? Haha. I could get a 4.0 in that while blowing coke up my face all semester.
Ill send you the memo on the state of college education.
^point proven
Please explain the destruction unions cause.