Forum Post: Gotta go.....OWS has become a bore.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 8:48 p.m. EST by SmallBizGuy
from Savannah, GA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
OWS has become just another boring "bitch-fest". This happens so often in history that it gets old. Go get a job...or...better yet....go create a job. Otherwise, clear Wall Street and Main Street let the "tax payers" of America get back to work. OWS is now the 1%.
HA! You got screwed by the Republican party. You must be paying taxes because you are too broke to have a lobbyist buy you a loophole. The republicans want the the little guys paying taxes and sucker them by baiting them with promises of low taxes and claiming they are very best Christians. They get their votes then leave them in the dust and keep the biggest cuts and subsidies. Oh, but he kissed the baby and shook my hand. He had white teeth and a spiffy suit. He really treated me like I was someone he cared about. He listened to me (then went and sold out to the highest bidder!) Honestly, You are smucks. 100% of nothing is nothing and that's what most republicans are being offered. I'd take 50% of a hell of a lot and be way richer. The Tea Party is so funny. The 1% is going to tax you to buy a military to protect their assets and turn it on people who are working for slave wages and paying all taxes. You'll be forced to buy the tanks that run you over. Sorry I laughed. The Tea Party doesn't even hear themselves. If they stop making people pay taxes, then how will they get people to vote them in for lower taxes? Kinda like researching a cure for cancer, research pays, a cure would stop the whole gravy train. Duh!
yes get a job. go away. you are making us hard working americans sick. Our taxes have to pay the NYPD lots of OT $$ to watch you guys. Because of the large criminal element in your group.
We're only fighting fire with fire.
what does that mean? Are you admitting there's a large criminal element in the OWS group ?
Yeah...the whole point of OWS is to go around committing senseless crimes. And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you so you can get over your little pity party.
well why did you say "we're fighting fire with fire"?? I don't where you got the piy stuff from? I just asked you about your post. You seem defensive. Have a good night. lighten up.
i honestly pulled both statements out of my ass, but it's obvious that OWS have done more good than bad and most of the 'bad' is very unintentional or just plain ignorance.
hellz yeah booboo, and we are going to steal us some picanik baskets
piggys don't stand a chance against a bear
Well, I like you too booboo. And like JFK said "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"
Well, i think the fact that he assassinated by his own govt' proved his point.
It's to bad they wouldn't think of trying to find a job, instead of waiting to cause more trouble and get high in the spring.
Well said Mr. Guy. Bloomberg is not handling this well. I work in the Bronx and when the wind changes, I think I'm smelling the stench from Zuccotti Park.
Did you find another witch to drown?
Why pollute the water?