Forum Post: Got the new iPhone today =)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:12 a.m. EST by ArrestAllCEOS
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I took a break from the struggle here in Zuccotti Park and lined up for the new iPhone 4S, since I wanted to upgrade my iPhone 4. I'm posting from it now.
It's soooo cool but now I'm totally broke =(
Anyone else have the new iPhone?
I love apple and I'm gonna to get my one. Do you think it is good to hear music with iphone with Dr Dre Beats at ? Ho do you think the headphones there?
Apple appears to have motivated a lot more people to camp out than Occupy Wall Street.
Iphone sucks. Think Different! Buy an Android.
As a programmer, I hate the closed nature of the Apple ecosystem, so I can't support them.
Lol, unfortunately, Apple is very guilty of bad business practice. They don't buy votes (that I know of)
But they do:
Outsource jobs
Practically let their outsourced workers DIE while making your iPhone
Sell consumers products that are WAY overpriced ($1300 for parts that I could find in a $500 laptop? HA!) [Not exactly evil, PEOPLE!]
Plus, the iPhone 4s IS THE SAME PHONE AS THE 4!! Oh?? Better camera you say? Wow, now those pictures of your cat and shaky pictures of flowers will look greatttt! Better processor you say? OH! REALLY!? For all the multi-tasking capabilities??! Seriously....
Outsourcing is not evil in itself. Do you want them to pay extra just so they can use american labor? How are they supposed to compete with Samsung etc. who make their phones in China? Global competition is here to stay. The whole idea of bringing back the jobs is not practical. Unless we get China to raise their labor rate or bring the labor rates here down. I do agree about the terrible conditions of the people working at FoxConn.
Actually, there are a lot of high tech goods that China would like to buy from the US, but is not allowed to, because of the high tech trade ban. These items supposedly are "dual use", meaning that they have both civilian and military applications, but in the thousands of years of its existence, China has never fought an aggressive war with the west.
We could, to a great extent, balance our trade deficit with China, and rebuild an industrial base that could sell high tech goods on credit to developing countries around the world, which once installed in their economies, would generate revenue, which then could then be used to pay us off.
In this way, our countries could work together towards greater "co-independence" as opposed to our current state of co-dependency.
how is high tech gonna create resources ?
One example would be nuclear power plants creating electricity. Such plants could also synthesize hydrogen fuel for transportation:
Its thought that fusion also could be used to recycle all kinds of metals, by separating scrap materials into their constituent elements, or even by processing "dirt" into usable metals.
Well they can very easily compete with samsung. Here's how:
Apple uses the same parts everyone else does soo let's say they cost around $300
They are outsourced, so we will say production per unit is about $200 (yeah right)
So we will say Samsung and Apple both spend $500 to make a computer.
Apple sells theirs for $1300 and Samsung sells theirs for $800
Apple makes a HUGE profit over the customer's stupidity, lack of research, mindless worshiping, and advertising propaganda that would make Circa 1939 Germany jealous. On top of being one of the most influential tech producers, and ripping off their customers, Apple uses underhanded law suits to attempt to prevent compitition just because they refuse to compete by updating their product.
In short. If Apple made their products in the USA, their prices would make sense. For now, they are just making a ton of profit because of cheap labor.
Why should Apple hire workers here and take less profit? Is it because it makes business sense or because that is morally right? Also, Apple doesnt actually run the production factory. In order to build their devices here, someone here has to offer those facilities. Guess what those production companies did? They moved their facilities overseas as well.
Fuck you. Never buy anything from a corporation.