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Forum Post: Got Demands?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 9:31 p.m. EST by tfgray (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

People (well, news commentators) are asking "What are Occupy Wall Street's demands?" Here are some suggestions to kick around: 1 Tax income as income. Capital gains and dividends should be taxed progressively like earned income and interest. 2 Bring back the Clinton tax rates, starting with the top bracket and working down the brackets as the economy improves. 3 Investigate and prosecute the malfactors on Wall Street. Reinstate Glass-Steagal and the other Depression-era laws that made out banking system safe. Enforce existing laws.

  1. Seek legislative redress for the Citizens United and Santa Claara Country v Southern Pacific Railroad Supreme Court decisions that have rendered corporations, many of which are more powerful than small nations, as "persons." Quick! before they exercise their right to bear arms. Thank you so much for what you are doing. Wish I was there, but with my husband out of work for 18 months, I'm pretty much it in the income department these days. Keep it up. Another thought ( a personal quest of mine) Veterans Day should be celebrated on the first Tuesday of November. What better way to comemmorate the sacrifices of our veterans than by exercising our right, and duty, to vote?



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[-] 1 points by steve005 (256) from Cincinnati, OH 13 years ago

end the corrupt banking, government and media systems.