Forum Post: good news - mississippi did it!
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 18, 2013, 5:09 p.m. EST by bensdad
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they voted to ratify the 13th Amendment to free the slaves
Daaaang. What next Mississippi? Hint. The earth is rrrrround.
They do not get a cookie.
Let's see them stop attacking abortion clinicssince their elimination only affects the poorest in their state.
That, too. Considering the length of time it takes for them to get things done. I wouldn't hold my breath.
I know. They only finishing up their 40 year effort to close all abortion clinics (1 left). So I suppose it will be as long to undo that.
They have their own time clock.
Yes we can, yes we can. I don't know, I suppose it's a good idea considering their demographics. But who's to say, really?
Now they can stop attacking public schools which is not so veiled effort against black citizens as well.
And the story just for the skeptics among us.
Those kooky southerners will come around eventually. Sometimes it takes a century and a half to see the light.