Forum Post: Good Morning America piece of shit reporters investigating soldiers marriages for legitimacy
Posted 10 years ago on Oct. 2, 2014, 7:53 a.m. EST by elf3
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This morning they chose to investigate military members who seek marriage for a little more money per month...never in my life have I been so enraged or astounded at the new low Murdock and his toadies will sink to...I have never, NEVER seen investigative reporting on the fraud committed by Haliburton , corporations, or politicians...and yet there they are with microphones and hidden cameras going after people who risk their lives and are trying to get enough to meet the cost of living in this piece of shit corporate country. When they were silent on so many issues over the years including lobbying scandals and congressional fraud as well as the condition of military hospitals and cuts to veterans this is what they decide to report on? Do me a favor and someone please punch a reporter in the face!
If I were a guest celebrity i sure would walk off the show if not... they are aligning themselves with an anti soldier propaganda machine.
Or they are whoring themselves out...with the kind of money they have one would think they could afford to do the right thing
The sisterhood of traveling breast cancer on this show...does anyone ever EVER talk about the CHEMICALS that cause cancer? Gmo in food...pesticides...pollution? Blhek this show really disgusts me!...cancer is not some freak of nature challege life lesson journey it is a disease caused by specific things we know about ...there is no cure but there is a cause ...stop asking why!!! And start looking at why!...every dime raised pays the pharm companies who have holding in both cancer causing chemical companies and cancer treating drugs...time to go after the root problem and stop drumming up money for the business of cancer. " even little kids are donating their tooth fairy money"
From pfizer wiki:
Quigley Co.
Pfizer acquired Quigley in 1968, and the division sold asbestos-containing insulation products until the early 1970s.[82] Asbestos victims and Pfizer have been negotiating a settlement deal which calls for Pfizer to pay $430 million to 80 percent of existing plaintiffs. It will also place an additional $535 million into an asbestos settlement trust that will compensate future plaintiffs as well as the remaining 20 percent of current plaintiffs with claims against Pfizer and Quigley. The compensation deal is worth $965 million all up. Of that $535 million, $405 million is in a 40-year note from Pfizer, while $100 million will come from insurance policies. ( I interject... increasing all of our rates)
From Monsanto wiki:
2000 (October): Pharmacia spun off its Monsanto subsidiary into a new company, the "new Monsanto".[56] As part of the deal, Monsanto agreed to indemnify Pharmacia against any liabilities that might be incurred from judgments against Solutia. As a result, the new Monsanto continues to be a party to numerous lawsuits that relate to operations of the old Monsanto. (Pharmacia was bought by Pfizer in a deal announced in 2002 and completed in 2003.[57][58])
The asbestos patients will spend their settlement getting treatment from the pharmaceutical division.
I feel that the macabre array of weird drugs injected into animals is the CAUSE of breast cancer.Countries where most people don't eat dairy products and factory farmed meat have a very low incidence of breast cancer.The injecting and feeding of drugs to animals makes their lives and deaths More Profitable.I feel that promoting heavy meat and dairy as food to people continues even though ag and pharma corporate execs KNOW such a diet,loaded with grotesque hormones and antibiotics, causes CANCER.
Europe and canada banned rbg hormones in their farming...after studies revealed they cause cancer!
That indicates to me that there is still some level of democracy in existence in the EU&Canada,because the reason for using the drugs is the profit motive.People who want the drugs removed outnumber the profiteers.In the US,the profiteers have captured the regulatory agencies,the courts and the electoral process through Grift.
I think that you would find this site very educational = PSR ( physicians for social responsibility ).
Yes! One of my Dr's belongs to it! They are doing most of the monitoring of the retired workers a Hannaford,I think.A piece of Work.indeed.
PSR sent a representation to the climate march in New York and seem to be one of the very few groups who understands and talks about the causes of cancer that man is responsible for for putting it into our food chain and onto our store shelves as well as the pollution causes.
It is too bizarre and creepy how certain Inconvenient People develop some form or other of Galloping Cancer.Jack Ruby comes to mind.Also Mae Brussell-who was diagnosed shortly AFTER her parents passed on.How I wish she were still alive,but she would have been in her 90's by now,I suppose.
When I was a child - cancer was rare - now it is very common and one can expect to experience it in their life-time and all too often can expect to experience more than one form of it as well. It all goes to our toxic society/industries/market place.
I've had it.Scary.I had a gifted surgeon.I was quite scared until I found out who was doing the surgery.Then I knew I would be Ok.
You were fortunate - so many people - to this very day - get very poor medical treatment - even if they have insurance coverage.
I have been incredibly lucky because I have gotten the very best medical care for my various chronic ailments.I confess that I am Fascinated by the many horrifying tales of rich and famous people who have been gorked by their doctors.Rich people frequently get the most awful medical care imaginable.You would think it would be the opposite.Even in countries other than the US it seems to happen.I once worked for companies that had Wealthy Clients in Manhattan.Their doctors did UNBELIEVABLY terrible things to them.
Overdoctoring.It kills alot of people who don't need to die.As far as Wealthy Individuals,I have known many.Some decided to live in the Real World and divested their inherited Millions.They do this more often than most people know.Some revel in the Parasite Lifestyle.Some keep the money but have jobs and try to blend in.Often too much money is as bad a problem as too little.A different problem for sure,but it can be a calamity in its own right.
My great Grandfather was a very wealthy Man - he owned a lot of property and he owned business's - mercantile and even had a telephone company - he gave it all up to become a minister and to live on the charity of his congregation. So when I say karma and awful things happening to some of the wealthy of course I mean it as it happens to the worst of the wealthy = " Some revel in the Parasite Lifestyle." But it likely has nothing to do with karma ( just a comforting thought that it might ) and has everything to do with the health care system.
But bad doctoring also happens to ordinary people as well - much more often than happens to the wealthy.
Gotta tidy up this house&turn in.Accomplished absolutely nothing of any importance today.(Yawn) Take care mon ami-until such time as we meet again,be of good cheer and be Kind to Animals and Morons.
[ edit ] Well being kind to animals is easy - but - kind to morons? I am not in any way shape or form - perfect - so - it will depend on the type of moron. G-Night.
edit-> Like take mittens the moron for example. If I were to meet him - it would take a lot of restraint just to keep from trying to kick his nuts up into the back of his throat.
LOL-No shortage of Horror Stories there! Some of the stories coming out of Greece these days are enough to make your skin crawl.What must be happening in Ukraine?What could be happening with the medical and Psych patients in Gaza right now? It hardly even bears thinking about.Americans probably still believe they will be Rescued until their last dying breath.Suckers.
I always kinda liked the old saying - God helps those who help themselves. But as it related to an individual doing ( trying to do ) good works.
Auto immune disease as well...what makes these problems worse is due to overworked soil and lack of bio diversity in industrial farming...our food contains far less nutrients than they ever did in the more chemicals, genetic modification, and the body in nutrient deficient state is prime for disease .
We live in a toxic society = industry and marketplace. I just posted another comment concerning the health industry. Check out the link to PSR as they seem to be the only group right now that really gets it = removing causes of disease from our society.
Hi. Here is dr Gene Sharp pdf document.that is free to download for yourself,here. 198 Methods Of Non Violent Action. for all you brave people in the Streets Of Hong Kong..We support You.We support You We Support You All. This is from the site if Gene Sharp / Lots more at this site.recommended for people who want Democracy.......With love somewhere in england 2014 zoskia
Private Military Company Pay vs Army Pay (real soldiers get peanuts)