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Forum Post: Good luck and be safe on your marches today

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 10:09 a.m. EST by NLake72 (510)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that all my posts in support of the OWS movement have to be removed. Sadly, this movement, as a whole, appears to be moving in an anarchistic direction that I can no longer endorse or support. The recent decision by the OWS to disavow the NGA and the document known as the 99% Declaration may indeed be well-founded. This is an issue that I don't claim to understand. However, it seems indicative of the lack of direction and leadership this movement is experiencing as a whole. Sadly, this lack of endorsement, and seeming lack of trust between these groups, only seems to lend support to my conclusions that the OWS movement, as a whole, is pushing an agenda that is, at best, inscrutable. In short, if the OWS produces an agenda that I can support, I may decide otherwise. However, at this time, I don't think the OWS is being directed toward a realistic, workable set of solutions to the problems that face our country.

I firmly believe that our system can be can reformed using the tools provided in the Constitution. We have a legitimate right to redress our grievances to the government. I'm unsure if I will endorse any group at this, or a later time. Like the vast majority of Americans, I think the system is badly broken. While I tacitly support the agenda known as the 99% Declaration, I am still hoping for a more perfect document to be created. I certainly don't support all of it's initiatives, nor do I endorse any group at this time. But, until a better plan emerges, I will continue to support the 99% Declaration, because it is the best agenda that I've seen to date. It is a document that deserves to be discussed, and improved. It deserves time in the national spotlight. The issues it addresses deserve a national debate. It's the best document I've seen to date, and I hope something that suits my personal tastes, and more particularly those of the vast majority of Americans emerges.



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