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Forum Post: Good job trolls. you are taking over the forum....

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 10:59 p.m. EST by RichardGates (1529)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

but you didn't stop Oakland :)



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[-] 3 points by DonQuijote (55) from West Springfield, MA 13 years ago

Let them take over. The facts on the ground are different, anyways. Look what happened at Oakland!

Remember and don't forget. There are a lot more of us then there are of them. That's why their lords and masters are trying every dirty trick in the book to suppress voter registration.

[-] -1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

ok, cool. little over the top. you guys gota simmer down some homie.

[-] 1 points by noviolence (8) 13 years ago

i agreed all should be aloud to speak you can only get wiser by hearing everything everyone has to say. its who u believe that is important ;) oakland did some good work to bad they had to call out the cops etc. again STFU there is no need for violence your there for a cause and the cops aint it so let them do there job they need money just as hard as u do.. or do you think cops earn allot.....

[-] 1 points by HappyLove (143) 13 years ago

Oakland woohoo!

They try to hang out at this forum, but are to lazy (or cowardly) to leave their basements to go where it really matters.

[-] 1 points by Tommiethenoncommie (211) 13 years ago

The sandbox needs its sand shifted every once in a while. Keeps things fresh. Oh, wait that sounds more like a litter box... Gonna need a bigger shovel!

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

It's actually pretty nice tonight compared to what it was this afternoon on this forum.

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

been thick for days

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

hahahaha.. oakland hella knows how to protest =)

and yes, I agree the trolls have achieved critical mass... looking for alternatives. reddit and occupyr are the two I know about.

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

trying to get mine going http://citicommons.com

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Why are you afraid of the trolls? Shouldn't you be open to critical thought and new ideas? How can a movement grow if you only accept those who are 100% in line with you. Anyone who comes here, troll or not, ends up learning more about the protest, so everyone wins. Before posting, a troll reads.

[-] 0 points by w9illiam (97) 13 years ago

The fact that trolls even take time to visit this sight just shows how scared of us they are. If we were no threat they wouldn't feel compelled to login and argue with us. Remember they are hear to defend their money.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Why are you afraid of the trolls? Shouldn't you be open to critical thought and new ideas? How can a movement grow if you only accept those who are 100% in line with you. Anyone who comes here, troll or not, ends up learning more about the protest, so everyone wins. Before posting, a troll reads.

[-] 0 points by classicliberal (312) 13 years ago

Yeah trolls cut it out, you're making me cry.

[-] 0 points by Jimboiam (812) 13 years ago

Hey Richard you live near me. I was going to come visit you to have a discussion, even looking to organize a little rally. I am what you would probably call a troll, since i do not agree with the methods of the OWS. HOwever i am an American who is fed up with the corruption of Wall Street and Washington. Its time to bring the Tea Party people who are not GOP supporters like me, and OWS people who want to end corruption to really grow this movement in the right direction. You game for that? you live about 30 miles from me.

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

http://citicommons.com not really the type. kids, two jobs. so i support with what i know. if you want to contribute something that would be productive, use the web. the protesters give power to the voice, but it is on the web that people come to listen.

[-] 0 points by VladimirMayakovsky (796) 13 years ago

Are the Oakland As playing tonight?

[-] 1 points by moediggity (646) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

that guy either has a mental disorder or is just an attention whore. I can't figure out which though.


[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago
