Forum Post: Good Job People
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 3:52 p.m. EST by dragon681
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You guys are doing a good job, but you should re-direct your energy. Occupy Congress! Shut it Down! It's not like they are doing anything. Start a New Revolution. It's our right! Get everyone from all across America, march down the street in DC and Occupy Congress. Their Approval rating is now 9%. Occupy Congress! And no I am not a nut. Let the government know that the people are tired of their in-effectiveness and their piss poor job of doing nothing and Occupy Congress!
Jeff M
So let's go to dc!
big question is.... won't anyone notice? we might actually feel better about a congress that wasn't in session. America loves gridlock congress anyway.
I agree 100% ... except maybe the "I am not a nut" part ;)
Until OWS moves down to DC, they will not matter. As it stands now, unless there is violence, the media is getting tired of covering the movement. Wall Street will never change as long as DC has their back. The corruption starts and ends in DC.