Forum Post: Good Idea, Bad Idea: Pointless Posts
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 4:57 a.m. EST by AmericanExpat
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Good Idea: Not responding to posts that are not genuine. If someone is just making a bad joke, insulting, promoting a political agenda, etc. (general trolling), let us not even bother with a reply. I hate to see someone get the satisfaction of our attention while at the same time wasting our time and mental faculty.
Bad Idea: Responding to posts that aren't genuine. You may think that if you respond (even with acceptance and love) you might bring the posters into a serious conversation. But I think they will come in their own time, after they stop giggling about ticking people off, not by engagement in absurd posts.
Good point. Such has been my MO for many years. Actually, triva should be rare. This is serious.----
Also, let us cease allowing overwhelming problems to distract and dominate, by posting solutions:) -