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Forum Post: Good article. I'm a 99% person, but am grateful.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 30, 2011, 11:48 a.m. EST by grateful (259)
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[-] 3 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

From the article: "1 percenters generally have the nerve, drive and self-assurance that the rest of us could only dream of. We see where they are or were, but what the envious among us never consider is what they did to get there."

I am not impressed nor am I envious. It takes so much more than simply nerve, drive, and self-assurance to step outside the boundaries of social culture. I don't look up to millionaires. My hero's are the people who have the courage to open their hearts to the entire human race. People who have the courage to stand up for what is right, just, and good. People who fearlessly break out of worn-out hand- me- down mind sets with the sheer force of determination and desire for truth.

I guess that is the difference between them and me.

[-] 2 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

the real winners are those special people who help others and want nothing for themselves. You do not win by how much you have acquired, but many think so. Thanks to the media for that.... The bankers love that because to win this game you will borrow money to "get ahead" which just makes the bankers more money. If you live like the American Indian used to you will never have debt to a bank. And yet every day you will breath the air and see the sky.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

I admire that too. But I also admire intelligence, talent, ingenuity, street-smarts, and hard work. You can admire both millionaires and non-millionaires equally.

[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

Do you admire the Koch brothers? For most people of large wealth, the richest of the rich, the power pendulum swings by the umbilical chord.

Ingenuity, talent.... either way all respect is lost when turned toward greed.

I don't have a problem with the 1%. My problem is with the .00001%

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

Why do you think the ultra rich are greedy? You assume because they have money they are greedy. Quite often, the very rich turn their attention to philanthropy (see Bill Gates or Warren Buffet for great examples). Without their efforts charities would have far fewer resources to do the good they do. I say welcome the rich, treat them nicely, and allow them to donate more!

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

The ultra rich are greedy. I have no problem with the Matt Damon's of the rich. I have a problem with CEO's laying people off after getting bailouts and giving themselves fat bonuses.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

they turn to philanthropy to do something about all the bad feelings they generated inside of themselves that they had to embrace to get where they are monetarily. They are hoping to buy their way into heaven as they know they did very wrong to many people on their way to the top. very few people with shining souls are in the 1%. pray for them, for those that are first will later be last. it is written it will be done.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

Why do you think they just do that to make themselves feel better? Maybe its because they have the opportunity to make a difference, and so they do out of the kindness of their hearts. Money does not make a man evil. Having lots of money also doesn't make a man evil. And spending it on charities should be applauded not greeted with suspicion.

You sound like a religious fundamentalist.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

in order to become rich you must first become stingy otherwise you will give away the money (to help the poor) that you could have made yourself rich with. You CAN NOT serve money and God both, (to serve God you could be helping others for example) Helping others means you are NOT spending your time helping those less fortunate than yourself, but rather you are helping yourself to a bigger stack of money, selfishness and greed modeled. It is sad to see the lost souls that do not understand these things and believe what the media tells them

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

You dont have to be stingy to be rich. Many rich become rich by inventing something new and providing society a new product or service that benefits millions, e.g. Bill Gates invented much of the programming that you now use in your computer. Now he goes out a uses his power and wealth to create organisations that vaccinate millions of poor people in war ravaged countries. He has probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives, if not millions from disease. I think he has done a great service to humanity, so I say good on him. We should not be attacking these people, we should be encouraging them. Why should God judge people on how much money they have? I believe he judges people on their heart, and there are many rich people who give way more than the 99% do.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

not all rich are stingy, it is true there are exceptions. Bill Gates did not start giving until he had excess. A good person gives before they get excess because giving is right. Many who invented something good got rich, America was designed that way to reward those that move society forward like the invention of windows did. He DESERVES to be rich for what he did for the world in inventing windows and making the world more efficient. He deserves to be stinking rich as a REWARD for his invention, so others with great ideas will do more than just think about their great ideas, and actually invent the something they were thinking about, and bring it to market. He does judge on his heart, and i remember a saying that it would be easier for a rich man to make it into heaven than a camel to go thru the eye of a needle, remember that? Why do you think it is so hard for a rich man to go to heaven? I think you can not serve 2 masters and money is a master, you have to chose your master while doing time on earth. Your choice will matter, so chose wisely.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

You can easily serve two masters. At work, I serve my boss. At home I serve my wife and kids. Inside my head, I serve my morals and sense of ethics. In society, I serve the constitution and whatever laws the government makes.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

you will love one and loth the other. Do you really like your boss? or do you get along so you can keep your job and get needed money?. When one boss asks you to do one thing and the other asks for the opposite who do you follow? You can not follow both of them as they want opposite things. Serving your morals is a good boss to serve. If your boss asks you to lie will you serve him? or will you serve your morals? how can you serve both of them?

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

I do like my boss, and he doesn't ask me to do unethical things. I enjoy my work and am happy. I follow whatever I think is the right thing to do. Its simple really.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

IF your boss asked you to go against your other boss you would have to chose, my only point, I think you missed it. when you are FORCED to chose between the 2.....

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

Yes I understand some of these things are bad and don't make the US a better place to live. I'm just saying its not all doom and gloom.

[-] 2 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

I'm waiting for activists to start disappearing and a black suv to pull up to my door, as my neighbors watch Dancing With The Stars.

[-] 2 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

well what's coming in and fast, is doom and gloom for me...but hey...if you can find a ray of light in police departments being given tanks, and drones to systematically take down the republic and population into full blown tyranny and high tech slavery and surveillance...good for you.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

As long as I can pay my rent, pay for food, save a little for retirement, and have some hope that my kids can go to a good school, I'm happy. If the police get tanks, that's fine, I don't plan to steal anything or murder anyone, so let them have their tanks, perhaps then they will actually have a firepower advantage over the gangs they have to try to police.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

You're going to have a painful awakening....then again some people never do awaken. It seems you've already been well conditioned for serfdom, and tyranny...you want it...you and your children now have it....take care.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

I don't consider myself a serf. I have a nice house, a nice car, etc. I think I've done well for myself, not because I'm uber smart, or better than anyone else. Rather, I just know how the system works and I work with it. I be nice to my boss, and make him look good in front of his boss. Then my boss looks out for me when it comes time for evaluations and salary reviews. Simple. Be nice to the people that feed you.

I believe people who are suspicious of the system get nothing out of it and blame the system for not paying them. How about instead think about how the system works and work with it. It's actually really simple and when you understand it, it can be quite good to you.

[-] 2 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Yes...quite true....some call it complicit.

[-] 0 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

Yes I am complicit because it benefits me. No point being rebellious if it just lands you in jail or in poverty.I am also complicit in abiding by the laws, paying my taxes, etc. All because doing so because it benefits me. What do you do?

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

I'm in one of the professions, considered successful, but I'm cursed with the knowledge of spiritual and moral principles, and I figure there's little differece between me and a citizen of Germany living within the fourth reich.So I'm in a perpetual moral quandry, and state of cognitive dissonance. A belief in a cosmic intelligence and karma complicates things even more lol I'm not graced as you are with a simple conceptual foundation of do what's best for me.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

I have moral principles too, I do what is best for me, but I also help others. I just choose to be grateful to the system that feeds me.

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

I think your attitude of grattitude is something we need more of! AND I think we should be greatful for everything we have. AND work within the boundaries of the laws of the universe. None of this means that countless millions and billions of people are dying... Or that you are already enslaved. Or that I am too. I am grateful for my enslavement because it has taught me much. Would I wish it on another? Never. Would I stand idly by and do nothing, and watch trusting souls such as yourself, doom themselves, enslave themselves for this? Never.
I think your attitude is perfect. I think your premise is wrong.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

Yes lots of people are dying because of lack of hunger, poverty and disease. The best cure for that is prosperity, and the best way for that to happen is to allow businesses to conduct business, hire people, and create wealth and innovation. The industrial revolution is a great example of that.

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Yes, yes, and yes! You said it! Revolution is the solution!

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

The industrial revolution was not one of armed struggle. It was where people invented machines to industrialize what was once done by hand. This innovation lifted a primarily agricultural Europe into the modern world. Revolution by armed struggle is pointless.

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Which is why this is a non-violent struggle!!!....Which is what ultimately brought you here! Welcome and hello!!

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Hear, Hear

I much more fear the gangs than any drone. If it comes to drones dropping bombs, expect me to be standing outside a gang house - at lease the get one good and one bad guy in their efforts.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

Agree. Normal law abiding citizens have nothing to fear from increased police powers. Bring it on I say.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

you are very wrong what if they make a glass of water illegal? how good will the water taste them? They are thinking about making salt illegal now, for health reasons. When the drones are used for political gain against political opponents (otherwise being legal) will you say the same things?

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

No point wondering about if they make water illegal. That has not happened.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

you missed the point

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

I was referencing a song that spoke about it, IT was a CCR song if you know the group, and reference, you will understand how it fits

[-] 2 points by Peretyatkov (241) from город Пенза, Пензенская область 13 years ago

I am also grateful to God! For the fact that two years ago miraculously survived. (it was a brain hemorrhage, two operations).

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Praise God. May you be blessed as you fulfill His purpose for your life on this earth today.

[-] 1 points by Peretyatkov (241) from город Пенза, Пензенская область 13 years ago

To convey the idea Nardialog - to people around the world, and became the purpose of my life.

It is my duty - to the Heaven!

I already wrote about it. (In Russian). http://www.rb.ru/blog/peretyatkov/showentry=1534744

Especially now, when I got fired - I have more time to this cause.

P.S. - Thank You all for this site! I'm not leaving. I am really grateful to You for Your movement.

And music: Lacrimas Profundere - The embrace and the eclipse. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLuMrk0aDbo

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

I too am not leaving. hoping I do not get fired. occupy forever!

[-] 1 points by Hopetogether (1) 13 years ago

Don't get me wrong it's okay to be grateful,however when the greed causes individuals to loose their homes and individuals not able to find jobs that's just wrong. People are so selfish in today's society they only care about themselves, and they will sale their soul to keep their little cozy life. Don't forget you can be made example real quick. You are just a number to the greedy individuals in corporate America......Not apart of the movement but I'm just saying

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

I work in a corporation and I am not just a number. I have a good relationship with my boss. Yes, my boss makes more money than I do, but then he is more experienced. The owners of the company make lots of money now but back when the company was in difficulties it was they who forked out their own money to keep the company afloat and pay staff. None of the staff had to contribute, just the owners.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

You know more about the entire process than most on here. Thanks for your description of a company that was founded and continues to operate on the same principles that I learned over 36 years ago.

It is really sad that so many of our companies, corporations and other enterprises have lost what was once a great philosophy.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

I think most small companies where everyone knows everyone operate on a similar basis. Its when companies get massive that a culture of personal relationships breaks down. But even then, I worked for one of the largest companies on the planet in my industry and found my relationship with my boss and his boss to be fine and personal. I believe most bosses identify more with their team members whom they see and work with everyday than the often faceless shareholders who they may see once a year at an AGM or perhaps never at all. Often, when bosses have to fire people, its not their choice, but they get the blame. I honestly don't envy the bosses, they have the hardest job. Trying to make the shareholders money, while keeping the team happy. Not easy. I just get on with my work and not worry about all the politics.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Great attitude.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

We are all about calling names and pointing fingers. Can you explain to me how a CEO earning say $850,00 per year in cash salary becomes a billionaire in his lifetime??

I am open for information, not for more BS.

[-] 1 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

Jesus christ--when are people like this author going to get it? Is this guy ten years old? OWS doesn't want the 1%'s money--they want the 1%'s money out of elections!!! Why is that so hard for so many people to understand?

[-] 2 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

So many posts here are attacks on capitalism, the financial system, etc. Jesus christ, can't you see that not everyone that claims to be part of OWS is complaining just about money in elections. Many are bringing complaints about many other things and the message is getting blurred and mixed up. Are you 10 yrs old? Do you claim to know what all of OWS want? It is leaderless, and so has no single coherent voice, so everyone wants different things, and many of those things are anti-capitalist.

[-] 1 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

Oh, please--no one with a brain is making random, gratuitous attacks on the financial system. They're making attacks on CORRUPTION in the financial system--and there's plenty of that to go around. ALONG WITH plenty of corruption in the electoral system. It's the people like you and the folks at Fox News--people who simply want to cover their eyes and ears and pretend that everything's fine--who are desperately making OWS into a class war. You know as well as the people in OWS how broken and corrupt our system is--you just don't want to do anything about it....

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

I thought you said it was about elections not the financial system? I'm not saying everything is fine, I'm just saying its not all doom and gloom. The US is a great place to live, far better than most. Thats not to say we shouldnt try to improve things, we of course should. But while improving things, we should also be grateful too. Its people like you that make this a class war, afterall it is OWS talking about a 99% vs a 1%

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

I too am grateful, but I also have worked for corporations before, and while there are a few extraordinary individuals who work hard for the amazing success they have had, it is true that people fall into their place based on less noble reasons like family and friendship ties.

And just because someone has worked extremely hard for their billions doesn't mean that endorsing an unsustainable economic system is the right choice either.

Otherwise, I think we should praise people who work hard and we should all attempt to be more like them. But perhaps "exponential profit" is less realistic than people first imagined.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

I don't think capitalism is unsustainable. I think it needs moderation by a government that identifies where capitalism breaks down (e.g. in the case of externalities like defence, healthcare, infrastructure etc) and concentrates efforts on those. Capitalism has been around for centuries, and will continue to do so.

[-] 2 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

Just to be clear, I think any economic system based on a never ending exponential growth is unsustainable: theoretically, practically, environmentally, and according to the laws of physics.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

Population grows exponentially too.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

Until a certain point, and then the environment is unable to sustain the population and large portions of the population die. Did you take biology in high school? I remember that day pretty clearly...

[-] 0 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

As time goes on technology improves methods of production such that a smaller set of space and resources can sustain more people. Obviously we could not sustain today's population size using technologies from the middle ages. But with today's modern technology we can. As long as technology keeps up with population growth, then growth is sustainable.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

PS, Capitalism has been around for centuries. But economic systems before capitalism were around for centuries before that.

[-] 0 points by JadedGem (895) 13 years ago

I'm not that grateful. Very few of the 1% that have my ire earned their wealth. To live in modern times has come to mean indoor plumping, electricity, heating and cooling, cars, tv, cable, the internet and ebooks. Its lovely and I'd much rather live in this cage of mine than in the jungle hunting with a bow. However, I would not feel the same if I were one of the lucky ones on foodstamps, sitting in the cold because I couldn't afford heat. The planet does not approve of this glorious lifestyle of mine either. Perhaps this lifestyle is a temptation that should have been avoided for the sake of the planet? Perhaps driving us all into extreme poverty is the 1%'s plan to right the wrongs they've done as they built empires? All I see are mixed blessings.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

Well, I am grateful. Many modern day inventions and comforts have been invented by smart people who of course became 1% people. I thank them for the lifestyle I lead because I don't have the genius to invent even one thing that could be turned into a billion dollar company that changes the lives of millions for the better.

[-] 0 points by JadedGem (895) 13 years ago

They knew years ago fossil fuel burning was a problem. How did the 1% respond? They lied. What did we do as citizens? We ate it up and kept buying it. We required parents to buy it for their kids. Anyone who doesn't buy electric power or a cell phone is considered unfit. Will it be better when the planet dies? Nope it won't. Besides, most of the stuff we have been "given" (trust me nothing is free, its EARNED) amounts to pure junk trinkets no better than the glass beads given to buy slaves.

[-] 1 points by HeavySigh (227) 13 years ago

And the people who are pushing to go green energy are doing so because they stand to get extremely rich....just sayin. The facts just aren't there.

[-] 1 points by JadedGem (895) 13 years ago

Thank God! New rich people! That's what the old rich people find unacceptable. They'll have to change whose stock they own, worm their way onto new boards of directors. Old money holding back progress to serve their own interests certainly isn't preferable though. Doesn't change the fact that the modern lifestyle is crap for the planet and new tech is gonna be too little too late. People lived without TV, Cars, and the internet for a very long time. I'm not that impressed by it all. I see trinkets and glass beads where you see buttons and gears and solar panels. I see people being blown up by drones rather hacked with a sword all nice and personal like. The game is the same, only the toys and tools have changed. Sim City needs its whoopee cushion! My soul is not one bit richer for living in modern times with buttons, bells and whistles.You see greatness, I see trinkets.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

Fossil fuels bring heating, transport, electricity, plastics, and so many more modern comforts. I hope we find an alternative, but till then I am not about give it up.

[-] 0 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago

watch all the leftists attack or ignore this.

too much reality for those who need to mindlessly rage against the machine.

[-] 0 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

Yes. Sometimes I wonder why I bother posting here. But I feel the need to just make people see that its not all doom and gloom. We have great advances in medicine, science, more peace than there has been in centuries, all because of capitalism and democracy.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

The United States may be experiencing more peace, but violence is rampant all over the world, and as a result of resource plundering in order to make our lives more easy and "advanced."

Check out Columbia, the DRC, and many other places like these where profits and life-styles drive military backed regimes and paramilitary violence against villages.

[-] 0 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

What has that got to do with capitalism or the US? These places are poor because of very bad government. While we may complain in the US about politicians earning too much, or having affairs, these issues are minor when compared with military dictatorships.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

These places are poor because they have been ripped off by colonialist plunderers for centuries. Then the gov'ts that are set up do the same thing, ripping off the resources for their own good. Who did they learn that from? Capitalists.

[-] 0 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

Congo and Columbia are poor because of war and bad government, not plundering.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

Well you're right, but bad gov't and war is a result of plundering.

[-] 0 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

War and bad government are often caused by many complex factors, so I don't think we can just sum it up by saying its plundering.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

Well you don't have to. But you should seriously read more about these countries, about their histories, and about the role that the US played in their politics.

[-] 1 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

The US has certainly dabbled too much in the affairs of other countries. But that's not what the post is about. I'm just trying to point out that the 1% often got there because of hard work, smarts, talent and ingenuity, something most people lack.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

I agree that some people work hard and because they work hard they get rich. I also agree that some people who work hard will never be rich, and that some people who are rich have never worked hard.

But I don't disrespect hard work. In fact, I wish there were more hard-workers in the world. I have rarely met one, but love the ones that I do know with all my heart, because they express a lost value.

But, regardless of how hard we work or not, the system which we have created for ourselves in unsustainable, based on exponential greed, and necessitates the imprisonment of labor (not necessarily seen as much in our country, but facilitated by our country's life style).

I choose to remind you about its unsustainability. You may choose to ignore this or not, but I will not stop reminding people and encouraging each and every one of us to keep learning about the histories of our world order.

[-] 0 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago

keep in mind about 60-70% of ows are dumb kids who need to belong to something and rebellion is popular when you are facing the responsibilities of adulthood. plus, this is the generation that grew up playing sports where no score was kept, they were told 1+1=3 if they really want it to, and their self-esteem became the single most important thing in the world, much more important than right and wrong or true and false. and it also seems like most of them expect to be rich and famous despite no accomplishments whatsoever. horrible social experimentation via public schooling is now coming home to roost. it's so sad, but most of these dopes will grow up and grow out of it and make themselves useful.

[-] 0 points by grateful (259) 13 years ago

I hope you are right.