Forum Post: Goldman Sachs Will Pay $12 Million in SEC Pay-to-Play Case
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 30, 2012, 6:54 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Sept. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. will pay about $12 million to resolve U.S. regulatory claims that a former banker made improper campaign contributions to the state treasurer of Massachusetts while seeking underwriting business from his office.
The campaign work by Morrison, 38, disqualified Goldman Sachs from engaging in municipal underwriting business with certain Massachusetts issuers for two years after the contributions, the SEC said. Nevertheless, the New York-based firm participated in 30 prohibited underwritings, earning more than $7.5 million in improper fees, according to the agency.
"Skimming Profits Off Bad Loans : Bankers And Their Dirty Tricks", by Mike Whitney :
"And that’s not all the banks are up to. They’re also fighting “risk retention” rules because they don’t want to pony-up the small amount of capital (5 percent of the loan’s value) on high-risk mortgages that go into securitizations. It’s like an insurance company refusing to keep money on hand to pay off claims. If you think that’s fair, then you should probably be a banker".
radix omnium malorum est cupiditas ...
Lots of slaps on the wrist.
You naughty, naughty bankers.
Play nice, people.
I know, right? It is rather silly at this point.
You'd be aware of Goldy Sucks ripping off Libya's leader before he got assassinated?
It's all a game when dealing in other people's money.
It's funny that you said that. I was just thinking this must be nothing more than Monopoly: the crack version.
I've been a gambler in a past life.
To know that you can risk it all without fear of losing would be a gambler's dream.
Too full of drug-war victims.
War on Drugs. War on Terror.
If there's ever going to be a war on banksters, I'm guessing it will have to be instigated by the people.
Rough justice?
Money rules in courts of law.
The international war tribunal is powerless against these criminals.
You've heard of a Kangaroo Court?