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Forum Post: Goldman Sachs protest

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 11, 2011, 1:55 a.m. EST by necropaulis (491)
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This isn't about the why you people are going to Goldman Sachs New York, or New Jersey(You must be really pissed to have to go to Jersey). The question is why are you going to some random Burger King(sick with the hungries??), Art Institute, Holiday Inn (cheap), Best Western(really cheap), and Crowne Plaza(okay, not so cheap) hotels??



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[-] 1 points by JethroCTM (1) from Hartford, CT 13 years ago

ALL owned in part by Goldman Sachs - Burger King owned in partnership with Bain Capital but selling after four years for a premium.

[-] 0 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

Thanks. I did not know that :)