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Forum Post: Goldman Sachs has engaged in activities that have cost America and other countries countless jobs. Let's call Goldman Sachs to tell them what we think of this.. HERE ARE PHONE #'s for Goldman's offices

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 5:54 a.m. EST by therising (6643)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Here is detailed info on why we need to engage in forceful non-violent action against Goldman Sachs to bring their crimes to light: http://occupywallst.org/forum/call-to-action-111111-goldman-sachs-has-engaged-in/ (info on Goldman profiting on hunger, prison system, student loan exploitation etc. -- these are bad dudes with no scruples).

Why does Goldman Sachs ower 250 million hungry people an apology? http://occupywallst.org/forum/why-goldman-sachs-owes-250-million-hungry-people-a/

Goldman's global phone numbers can be found on this link: http://www2.goldmansachs.com/who-we-are/locations/index.html

US Numbers: Boston Tel: 1-617-204-2000 Chicago Tel: 1-312-655-4600 Dallas Tel: 1-214-855-1000 Houston Tel: 1-713-654-8400 Jersey City Tel: 1-212-902-1000 Los Angeles Tel: 1-310-407-5700 Miami Tel: 1-305-755-1000 New York Tel: 1-212-902-1000 Philadelphia Tel: -215-656-7800 Princeton Tel: 1-609-497-5500 Salt Lake Tel: 1-801-884-1000 SanFran Tel: 1-415-393-7500 Seattle Tel: +1 206 613 5500 Tampa Tel: 1-813-288-7500 Wash DC Tel: 1-202-637-3700 West Palm Beach Tel: 1-561-650-1600



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