Forum Post: **! Goldman Sachs Going to Court for REAL in March!.. Story Link:
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 9:58 a.m. EST by Marlow
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Now, after all the time i have been trying to get Goldman Sachs in court.. No luck, as the biggest Law Firm.. ( the People who sued the tobacco Industry) . said it was too big of a case for even THEM... Is Going to Trial by way of one of my Favorite Fighters for Justice... Patrick Byrne..!
And if you want to fight the 'Dictator of Wall Street' too... You can sign 'The Petition' to Stop Corruption on Wall Street on Line!
We aim to get Goldman Indicted, not just Fined! Give a Kick to Goldman Sachs!
Marlow/ editor- sponsor of 'The Petition'
We have the best legal system money can buy.
Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
excellent post, thanks for this! =) we are going to need RICO charges, all the way around.
and once again.. about Schapiro.. who Needs to Be fired! and NEVER had been given the SEC Chair Seat in the first place.. an outsider who slipped in the Back Door 'Crooks Only'
..We Get the Attention of Congress.. and ALL Schapiro wants are MORE FINES???
Schapiro is a Former FINRA Ceo who set up the facade of tactics that allowed the GS Trading Program to get installed, and abuse the Market with UNISON TRADING.
( Unison, at the Same Time... Means: out and out Collusion in Practice!)
Schapiro needs to be FIRED! WE can get that job done, just email
H. David Kotz at '
( you are most Welcomed Monet.... Thank YOU too. ;^)
MORE News....
But one problem... Mary Schapiro...
** Schapiro is the Crooked Sec Chair that peed on our Shoes and told us it was Raining.... when she said that the UTR ( Uptic Rule) would be her prime focus for her first year in Seat...
Know what we got?
Some Watered down Circuit Breaker .. which does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop the GS trading program abuse of OnLine Retail Investors .
The UTR was the MAIN cause of keeping their privately Owned Exchange Program from working for them.. She Helped them keep it off the Regulations.. The VERY REGULATION Set in Place 70 Years ago to KEEP THIS very Thing from Happening again!
Why Would a SEC Chair stick her neck out so far to Help the Crooks..?
Well... If it Looks like a Duck, Quacks like a Duck, Ain't Pumpernickel!
To: Goldman Sachs
From: Main Street
Go to jail!
Throw in JP Morgan as well because the trial in March is likely to only result in payoffs with gag orders.
Probably, but I can dream, can't I?
We need a new OWS leader. I nominate Patrick Byrne. Thanks Marlow!
This is a pleasing development, I look forward to hearing more about it. I also signed the petition and wish you luck on that front.
Very Kind of you to Say...May the Holidays Bring you and yours Health and Joy.
(Stay Tuned for more on GS's Destruction! ;^)
See: Below "More News".... have a great Day Proffitt
Great Link! TY... I needs to be seen by everyone..
You just made my day! Coincidentally, earlier I posted a link to a parody of Lloyd Blankfein joining OWS downtown along with a link to video of the actual Lloyd Blankfein's Congressional testimony!
discard... I would Love to see that. Blankfiend and Greasepan are on my Hit list of 'Beasts Not to Feed'. Larry Summers is in there too.
TY for your reply, and dont forget to Sign the Petition to get GS Jailed!
Will do and you can see the parody along with Blankfein's Congressional testimony here:
To everyone ( but 'what').. Thank you for your intelligent replies,
..and of course Patrick Byrne is courageous.. He was the First to Beat a Henchfund for Manipulating His Stock, and causing his Company to have to file for Bankruptcy . Byrne Stepped up for his Rights, and his Investors Rights... and took them to task.. HE WON!
..(My web site group was the Second to fight a Chinese Henchfund in U. S. Courts, and We won that too!)
Patrick Byrne is one of the Original Founders of 'Deep Capture'. . A Rogue Web site back in 2006 that Outted the Crooks on Wall Street.. and that was the first Car on the Train To Justice!
Be Well , and make an Effort Every day for what is RIGHT!
Who bailed out the banks and Wall Street??? this is where you should be protesting "the Obama Admin"