Forum Post: Goldman Sachs and Profiting Off of Misery
Posted 10 years ago on March 27, 2014, 8:51 p.m. EST by JGriff99mph
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So how many of our political leaders accept money from people like this?
"Perhaps we could create a social impact bond focused on sending criminal bankers to prison." My favorite sentence from the article.
"This is precisely the sort of thing conservatives who worship the market and hate the government want: An excuse to reduce taxes for the wealthy while cutting services for everybody else. It's really just a return to the 19th-century model of charitable contributions for the poor instead of government intervention and public investment."
"It really must be pointed out that Goldman Sachs, one of the country's most profitable companies, has also been named one of the top tax deadbeats in the U.S."
The saga of profits over humans and the raping and pillaging of the American people, and the 99% all over the world, continues.....
As always, it continues, since the beginning of times, the weak fight the strong.
And, the weak have won a few times in the past, so beware......
Don't tell me to beware, I'm on your side. I'm part of the weak. You beware!
I always liked how people say "If you tax the corporations too much, they will just pack up and leave"..
Like, ok, great! More work and business for the rest of us! Sweet!
Exactly! And, we can run our businesses in a way that sustains us without raping and pillaging others by democratizing them.
good/rotten article ... thanks for the link