Forum Post: golden calf money
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 4:19 a.m. EST by antigoldencalf777
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What is a golden calf; an idol so lovely that all of Israel worshiped against God's warning about worshiping idols? it is money. it is your bank account. like a calf; you feed it and feed it without end trying to grow it into a golden ox. If feeding your calf is more important than what is just and good, you will be destroyed by the fire.....let this be a warning to the 1%. if you love money(golden calf) more than what is right and what is good than you are a idol worshiper. The idol worshiper will be destroyed by fire! We are all a slave, let us strive to reach the promised land. A land where there are no slave drivers whipping us into being a idol worshiper....most of us strive for financial gain because our current society forces us into idol worship. OK it is true that we need money to take care of our selves and our loved ones but lets not love money over justice and righteousness....then only thing that is left is fire.....let us change our society so that it does not continuously pressure us into being a golden calf worshipers. The problem is that we have to be a money/ golden calf worshipers just to have the basic neeeds. Why do we have governments? the government should let us worship what is good rather than the golden calf.....perhaps FDR's unrealized 2nd bill of rights can help us to escape being a idol worshiper....when our basic needs are met, many of us will pursue our interests. Than we will choose our careers based on our interests rather than what would make us more money. let those who want a 10 bedroom mansion and maserattis continue to pursue it. But for those of us who rather be a dish washer so that others can dine out be a dish washer and be satisfied with a modest home and enough to have a transportation and occasional vacations....we need a government that can help us to pursue our interests by providing the basic needs so that we don't spend all our lives just to acquire the basics....go ahead, make your billions and have a mansion. I will be a dish washer so that you may occasionally dine out. let me support my family. I will be satisfied with a 2 bedroom mobile home and a economy car and focus on my interests other than food, roof, medicine, and clothes.