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Forum Post: God will bring down the rule of money. Join him now!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 2:29 p.m. EST by mt1926 (76)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Jesus said you cannot obey both God and riches.

The love of money is a root of all evil.

God has commanded not to take interest on debt. He has commanded to release debt every seven years. He has commanded to redistribute basic wealth (land) every 50 years.

But the governments by and large do not obey Him. Monarchies, communists and also democracies. Repend in case you have also refused to accept Him as Lord and as King of Kings. Jesus is the true hope of the world. The prophecy is that He will teach the nations peace and they will turn their swords into plowshares. Then no nation will raise up and wage war against another nation.

How long will the world refuse to follow Him. Humans are corrupt and no matter what form of govenrment they will create they will ruin it, exploit it and forget about the cause of the poor.

Communism has failed. Capitalism has failed. Socialism has failed. Monarchies have failed.

How long do you want to be ignorant. Learn from Christ and the world will learn peace and righteousness. Christ is the true advovacate of the poor.

Wake up! Stand up for the true King of Kings of the world. Jesus Christ!

What is wrong with his life, his teaching? Hasn't He said, blessed are the poor and woe to you rich. Hasn't He said to sell whatever you have and give it to the poor? Has He lived in mansions or has He shared the simple life of Main Street. He is the true hope. You are struggling for a message.

The message is there. It is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. This kingdom is a political one as well. But humans have rejected it. But it is coming. The prophecy is clear. The Harlot Babylon is fallen, and the Kings will mourn, the traders will mourn because no one will buy their stuff anymore, because God has taken revenge against the Harlot which has corrupted the governments.

OccupyWall street wake up and see the true Helper for all those who are oppressed. Jesus Christ

Men are bad and will make any system bad. If people repent and accept the Gospel God will give His spirit and with this new spirit the world will function. Jesus Christ will teach the peoples peace and righteouness. Isaiah has prophecied of this. John has prophecied of this . Turn to God and beg for righteousness and then there will be true change.



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[-] 3 points by FUU (16) 13 years ago

God isn't real, religion is a early form of government for the weak minded human being. You're nothing more than a sheep following the rest of the flock in the world.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

humans are the strongest minds are the planet

[-] 0 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

The fool says in his heart. There is no God. Wake up and look around. Are you telling me that pure chance has created your body all animals and all living organism. How unreasonable do you have to be for that?

[-] 2 points by Markmad (323) 13 years ago

You must be running out of arguments this is the third time you post the same bogus proverbial. The source of your inspirations is very limited.

[-] 0 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

True, I am limited, not so the foolishness of people who believe in evolution.

[-] 1 points by JonGimpo (14) 13 years ago

You are aware that evolution is not a myth right? I mean, look around you, computers have evolved (even if it was assisted), society evolves every day. What are mutations within DNA if not evolution?

Now, a big scary invisible wizard in the sky, now that obviously exists.

[-] 2 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

[-] 0 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

God is gracious and patient with evil people and He does not want to destoy them but want them to repent. His longsuffering is limited however and in case they do not yield He will bring them down. Therefore He is willing and omnipotent.

[-] 2 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

Then why does He have such a low success rate?

[-] 0 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

HIs success rate is 100%. Because either they repent or they die in judgment. There are no escapes.

[-] 2 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

Really? 100%? Because I watch a lot of news and every time a child goes missing people sit up prayer groups and vigils. However 99% of the time said child turns up dead. Lots of people with disease pray endlessly, most are not cured. I would say God has about a 2% success rate, if that.

[-] 0 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

How long has the world exsisted. God's perspective inculdes the time after death. It is shortsighted to just see earthly life. Just think about 1000 years from now. Where will you be?

[-] 2 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

Well if God chooses not to help return children that have been kidnapped and chooses not to cure people suffering with disease, and save people from poverty and war, then God sounds like a real jerk. Just sayin'.

[-] 0 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Listen to what I say. God is not a God of the dead but of living. Life will not end with death. There will be judgment coming afterwards and are things we have done will be judged. 100%

[-] 2 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

But if this God of the living refuses to help in THIS WORLD then he kinda sucks. To hell with the afterworld, what about this one? And to my knowledge death is death, the afterworld is kinda like Oz.

[-] 0 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

First of all. God is helping in this world. The reason why this world is not everything for God is that it is doomed to destruction and God has started a parallel world, His Kingdom which will prevail through the judgment. So your problem is that you have not seen this everlasting world which is among us but can only seen when you have repented and turned to Christ.

[-] 2 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

I'm jewish, so not happening.

[-] 0 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

If you read Isaiah, your prophet you will see that many things have happened already and the rest will happen as well.

[-] 1 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

Right. Gotcha.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

You want finacial righteousness. Do you think that the rich will give in voluntarily? You need help. God has freed your people from the slavery of Egypt? He can do it again. Don't you think so.

[-] 1 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

I think people can free themselves if they ban together and work hard. Personally I get tired of God getting all the credit, when its really PEOPLE that do everything.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Whoever sins is a slave to sin and he cannot free himself. All unrighteousness and this mess we are experiencing is the result of sin. And only the son of God can free of sin.

[-] 1 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

I don't do much sinning. Too busy with school, two jobs and my children. Kinda sucks that God is having me suffer due to all these other people sinning.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Who can say that he has cleaned his heart he is without sin. After some reflection, can you still say that you have cleaned your heart you are without sin?

[-] 1 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

Pretty boring life here, if I do any sinning, its more of an accident than a conscience effort.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

So why don#t you confess to God the sins you have done even if they were not bad, receive full forgiveness, trust and obey Jesus and get the Holy Spirit and your life will not be boring anymore. WHen I turned to God my life changed drastically and it got very exciting.

[-] 1 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

Dear God. I am really, really sorry for shoplifting that thing of Rolaids last week. It was in my cart and I pretended not to see it because money is tight and Rolaids are really a necessity. I am sorry I called that jackwagon a jackwagon and I am sorry for....... yeah, that's all I got.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Maybe you think again.

[-] 2 points by FUU (16) 13 years ago

There isn't a God. We are the product of evolution. Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in leprechauns? Do you believe in witch craft? How about unicorns? If you answered no to any of these, how could you possibly believe in a "God".

[-] 0 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

evolution is most stupid thing humans have ever come up with. If have any idea of mathematics and chance you know who foolish evolition is.

[-] 2 points by FUU (16) 13 years ago

Evolution takes time, I do have an idea of mathematics. Maybe you should try it without a calculator then come back at me.

Nice dodge of my questions, how about you answer them. Do you believe in Faeries?

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

No, why do you ask?

[-] 2 points by FUU (16) 13 years ago

Then how can you believe in God? He is just as fictional as unicorns, faeries, etc. I'm sure I could write a book and include these creatures, go to a third world country and make them believe it's just as real as ever; especially with modern science.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

[-] 0 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

You are right that the simple minded believe every word and there are many religions out there that are made up by humans. But Jesus was for real and the miracles, prophecies and His resurection was also for real. No other religion can come up with this.

[-] 1 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

To my knowledge there has been no proof that Jesus ever existed. If we can not find historical evidence to back up his existence, how the heck do you assume he rose from the dead and cured people?

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Of course there is proof. There are the gospels which are accounts of time witnesses. If you accept as proof only people who do not believe then your base of proof is rigged. The gospels were written from time witnesses.

[-] 1 points by JonGimpo (14) 13 years ago

I met Santa Clause. My daughter took her picture with him, I have documented books and pictures with him in them dating back many decades, I have eye witnesses who say that they have seen him come down their Chimneys. Does this mean that Santa Clause is real too?

A lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it to be true.

[-] 1 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

Yeah, the gospels say all kinds of shit, like people living 500 years, etc. I could go into detail, but it would take all day. Anyway, we are seriously off topic here.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

We are not off topic. Because you want change and righteousness. You can have it if you turn to God. Seriously, do you really think that without the help of God you can win against the rich in this world?

[-] 1 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

I'm sorry, I just can't buy into the whole "God" thing. Lots of people believe in God and suffer endlessly. Lots of rich people believe in God, but are against anything that helps the poor. It seems like a lot of folklore and myths that were written by people that had no understanding of science, and how things worked.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

What does Jesus say. Blessed are the poor. He continues to say. Blessed are you when people persecute you because your reward in heaven will be great. But woe to you rich because you have had your reward.

[-] 1 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

I'd rather take the opp to have my rewards here. Too bad that's not an option.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

This is not true all the way. Because Jesus also says that if you loose father, mother, house, land for His sake and the Gospel you will get it a hundredfold HERE in this world and everlasting life in the next.

[-] 1 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

You know, maybe I am alone here, but everlasting life isn't all that appealing. I am looking forward to dying be the end. I don't want to live forever, sounds more like a curse than a blessing.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

If you do not believe that Jesus is destroying all the works of the devil I can fully understand you. Who wants to live in this world forever. But Jesus builds a new kingdom where won't be evil. And then it is just great.

[-] 1 points by theainavl (124) from Asheville, NC 13 years ago

But I'm jewish, so I'm not big on Jesus. Anyway, this is getting nowhere, Good luck and mazel tov.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Good luck to you too.

[-] 1 points by Alec (47) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Even if "chance" (which isn't a synonym to evolution, but we'll ignore that for now since you aren't old enough to comprehend something so complex) wasn't responsible for our existence, that doesn't prove that God is.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

So please help me out. I have always thought that evolution is based on chance. Am I wrong?

[-] 2 points by AndyfromNewZealand (27) 13 years ago

I think OWS will bring down the rule of money! God hasn't done shit to help anyone that I can see, don't rely on God. Money has been around for thousands of years and humanity has moved beyond the need for money. Yet money has made slaves of us all.

[-] 1 points by gadflydigital (180) from Wantagh, NY 13 years ago

That's one of the messages in the Bible.

"Give to Caesar's what is Caesar's; Give to God what is God's."

Jesus was trying to say that money isn't really worth anything, and that worrying about it is a waste of time.

The Buddhist tradition sees monks begging for their food. They live on the bare minimum. They don't have iPods, computers, medical technology, etc, because they recognize they don't actually need it.

Money does make slaves of us. That's one of the great messages of the Bible: how to get over money.

[-] 1 points by AndyfromNewZealand (27) 13 years ago

I agree and the bible has pleanty of good points, and explains the state of man and baisic motivation. Greed and Fear. Adam took the apple (greed) and then blamed Eve (fear), original sin is alive and well in Wall st. Cheers all of you

[-] 1 points by heretostay (2) from Rockton, IL 13 years ago

Religion has no place in government, and it should have no place at all. Only the week minded, who need to be fed ideas on how they should live their lives need believe in religion. For anyone questioning evolutions existence, simply look to dogs for an answer. You should know that a majority of canine species were created, by man, through selective breading to harness certain favorable genetic qualities. So man can create new forms of life with little effort and in relatively short time, so why not accept that over millions of years we have evolved to become the great species that we are? Do you know what favorable genetic qualities we posses as humans? The ability to solve complex problems through higher level thought. There is no need to believe stories, simply use your brain and realize the truth. There is no god.

[-] 1 points by Alec (47) from New York, NY 13 years ago

God can suck my dick, he's a coward. Hear me God? I think you're a bitch! If you have problem, you can come down here and I'll kick the shit out of you.

[-] 1 points by LibertyPrime (2) 13 years ago

Loads of dicks.

[-] 1 points by LibertyPrime (2) 13 years ago

This forum sucks dicks.

[-] 1 points by mrburger (26) 13 years ago

i like jesus

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Me, too

[-] 1 points by brokeandstarving (62) 13 years ago

jah rastafari

[-] 1 points by WorldFreedom (62) 13 years ago

We are "God" and "God" is us, in a Spiritual, not religious sense, so I guess it is up to us.

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

True, there is a hidden underlying mathematics in what Christ said that, if ever followed mathematically, will "bring down money", and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government in order to implement that Mathematics of Christ, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:




if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at AmericansElect.org in support of the above bank-focused platform.

[-] 1 points by JonGimpo (14) 13 years ago

Fighting bankers as bankers is like fighting a gas fire with gas. You're only going to make things worse. The money is an automatic debt right off the printer presses, going in debt to pay your bills is retarded, ask ANY accountant. Hell, my 10 yr old can do that math!

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

You obviously didn't read and think about the link, but if you did, then you'd realize that I am an accountant.

[-] 1 points by JonGimpo (14) 13 years ago

I did read, but there's a LOT of people who don't have $500 to put in to get it started, not to mention that the Dollar is an automatic debt, so no matter how many dollars you print, we will always be in debt. Not to mention the interest on each dollar. Either lay claim to the Federal Reserve (confiscate it when trying the people who run it for crimes against humanity) and wipe our debt and take control of our own money, or do away with money altogether. I've seen various ideas on the latter, and all involve working together, like the people at Occupy Wall St are doing. We have the technology and capability to feed every human on this planet without even having to worry about a 'cost'. So, I see attacking the banking system with more bankers as futile so long as our country is in an illegal debt to ANYBODY.

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

For the second time, your argument makes no logical sense, and so I won't give it the dignity of a reply.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Dont't make it so complicated. Jesus teaching is clear, simply and righteous.

[-] 2 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

Very few people understand Jesus precisely because he spoke in parables (or riddles). Jesus spoke in parables (or riddles) because he wanted people to think critically. Critical thinking requires people to advance to ever higher levels of thinking (or transcendence) to solve today's problems rather than maintain the lower level of thinking that created those problems. Christ was a superbly complicated social thinker, as you must be if you are to follow him, as I do.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

He who meditates on the law of God night and day will be like a tree planted on fresh waters which will bear fruit. May God bless you.

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

And may he bless you in return. I hope you will join us at: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/StrategicInternationalSystems/

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

I am German and have nothing to do with Republicans. They get on my nerves. But the problem with the Ameican system is that righteousness is split up between the two parties. Each party get some things that are true. But neither stands for a flawless system of righteousness. Only Christ does.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

This is quite profound. I am a card-carrying athiest but was raised going to christian church and encouraged to think for myself. There is a reason some religions thrive: it is because their message actually helps people. Poor people go to church because they have nowhere to turn. Erasing debts and redistributing wealth is exactly what we want, and this is apparently where the OWS movement and the bible agree with each other. If you're representing OWS, give up the gut hatred for things you associate with the right wing, and accept the wisdom you see.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Is this true? When will this be?

[-] 1 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

So you say that God does love me and I can repent and then what?

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

He is the one that has created you. Every hair on your head is His work. He ist the one that has given you the breath of life. He is the one that has sustained your life all the days of your life up to this point. And He has send Hid Son to die for the sins of ALL men including you.

[-] 1 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

I admit I have not come to Him either. Do you think He will accept me! I mean I am just a regular guy. Why should God have any interest in me?

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Well this is grace. He loves His enemies. So he takes great effort to reach His enemies and some finally yield.

[-] 1 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

Are not all people bad in some sense. So how come some are coming to Jesus.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Well I guess because Jesus is truely just and if you are bad yourself you don't want him. Whether you are Wall Street or Main Street.

[-] 1 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

But why don't the people see that. Why is He so rejected?

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

You are right. Jesus is the only one.

[-] 1 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

Show me one leader who is all the way selfless? Jesus Christ is the only one I know.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

That is interesting. It is true that no matter what system you have only some profit.

[-] 1 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

Everything has its time. Maybe because the world has proof now that all their system are all corrupted and benefit some people on the backs of the poor.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Why has He not done it before?

[-] 1 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

People who will judge the poor justly who do not take gifts and are filled with the Spirit of God.

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

But what form of government will Christ set up?

[-] 1 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

It is brought down by 10 Kings in Bible prophecy. There is also the parable of the 10 vergins denoting all people. So maybe it is brought down by the peoples

[-] 1 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

You mean that occupy Wallst is part of it?

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Maybe it is just happening

[-] 1 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

When will this be?

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago

Jonathan Edwards predicted about now.

[-] 1 points by Matthias (1056) 13 years ago

What about the rapture?

[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by mt1926 (76) 13 years ago
