Forum Post: God invented war so Americans could learn geography.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 10:12 p.m. EST by Dontbedaft
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
700 military bases in 150 countries worldwide.
Forget taxing the rich. Try not policing the world and there would be enough money for all.
People don't hate us because we are free, they hate us cause we invade whoever we want at will.
Think about it.
Seriously good post, why hasn't this issue been raised more? We spend more on useless wars than we do on bailouts.
Please note, no disrespect to any service people, you are the salt of the earth, we are sick of seeing you killed and maimed after being sent in under false pretences.
While we are on the topic of war, what are the views of the people on wiki leaks exposing cables and information on what actually goes on? Good, bad?
I am for transparent government
transparent like our privacy surrendered with the Patriot Act
everyone bitched about that
while the government conduct secret mission after secret mission
and that is secret patriotism, putting god and the flag, to cover blood and profit$. This is not imperialism it is Vampirism with Suitcases and Ties.
ties with bladed tips
Haha I like it....
The key to an democratic and sovereign nation is utter and complete transperency. Dont ever allow a national secrets act to be passed like the one in Great Britain and the one proposed by the Clinton administration that make it illegal to hid the identity of confidential sources and only perpetuates lies and clandestine govts....
Totally agree
I think wiki leaks is great, the government is finally accountable in its war mongering. As it should have been from day one. Long live Julian Assange!
My vote for good.
I think that they are heros in the true spirit of democracy!
we can force you to be free
What, is that responce some kind of code?
maybe a nation doesn't need to be invaded to find their own freedom
Ah, yes, very good.
I think that what has happened as a result of it shows the government to be hypocritical, Amnesty International got involved concerning Bradley Manning, if that's any indication.
Trying to get the perspective from the peeps on the street
It is good. If you want to really see how censored our news and media are, try googling the iraqi and afghan refugees in denmark.. It was a pretty big deal but I bet you never heard of it. American censored media to thank.
So if we do not hear about things like that, why would we ever hear about anything negative that happens in a war?
Agree completely. Can anyone tell me why we are in Iraq? Saddam is dead. Why are we in Afghanistan? Osama is dead. Is it possible that they were never the real reason? How can politicians continue to send good young people to die, for no benefit? Smells like Vietnam, only we had more money back then.......
Iraq is probably oil. I've wondered about Afghanistan for a while and the only thing I can figure out, as far fetched as this sounds, is heroin. Afghanistan, by far, has more poppy fields than anywhere on the planet.
War is most PROFITABLE. Banks loan money to all sides and winners pay for the losses of the other side.
Also, Afghanistan is rich in minerals.
The profits of warfare are HUGE ! ! !
Hence America's plan to wage perpetual war.
It isn't my plan or the plan of the majority - yet it continues. . .
More like perpetual war in behalf of israel.
How can we live in a world that sends people to their death for a profit? Seriously? In this day and age, more people need to stand up and demand some transparency.
The Media is owned by SIX corporations, and I think that is ONE of our biggest problems. Thankfully, we have the internet, now, and more and more people are turning to it.
seizing resources yes but that is thievery
war destroys overall wealth
"war destroys overall wealth," -- but not for everyone. "Masters of War." by Bob Dylan comes to mind.
President Eisenhower warned us of the Military Industrial Complex - "the threat is real and will persist."
Hliburton, Blackwater and many others are much more wealthy and poweful as a result of these Empire building wars. But the US and our peop[le are paying the price.
Wars cost a lot of money for the many, but make a lot of money for the few. It's been like that for centuries.
So true. We wouldn't have had WWI without the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Europe could not have afforded to fight a world war in 1914, without pulling the US into it.
Aparantely there is $2 trillion of lithium too. Who knows. I thought Iraq was oil too, but how come it hasn't got cheaper?
oil companies are international
Just to keep it flowing, not to make it cheaper. That's a volatile area, the Middle East. Politically speaking.
U probably right. It certainly wasn't to drop the price. Funny though, I wonder how much oil was wasted on the invasions.
In terms of fuel and lubricants and such? That's a damn good question.
Yeah, those tanks, hummers, ships, planes etc don't run on love! It would be a scary thought how much is being wasted, but pales in significance to the human cost.
True true.
it's hard to run a war without oil
Why We Fight:
Soldiers fight for the man or woman next to them, it is disrespectful to lie to them about the reasons they Are being sent in.
smells like Vietnam cause it is basically the same corporations involved in making bullets,bombs, and all the other war-hardware. and super-duper premo nice profits.
The military-industrial-congrssional-lobbying complex wants endless war, win or lose, to keep the money pouring in. Obama extended and increased Bush war policies. Both parties are the same. Everything in the US is cut and hollowed out except the military. Wars steal from the 99%. Fire 'em all.
If you add up all the people our imperial fetish has killed, you might get a number in the tens of millions. This number is only dwarfed by our national debt today......We need some serious awakening of people in this country. Things have been going wrong for too long.
Op +1
+2 op
+3 to neutralize ports
The policing is financed by the Federal Reserve. If the Federal Reserve came to an end, the war problem would solve itself by being unaffordable in 2 seconds.
Damn straight!
Now they are executing US citizens without a trial too. As long as you are a Muslim, you're a terrorist are a possible terrorist don't like TSA, question a government official(cop, judge, senator, etc), own a gun, retired police and military, returning iraq/afgahn war vet, tea party, disagree with the president. I think there was more on that list..But I forget.
It's a slippery slope to serfdom
Indeed, and it's hard to climb back up that slippery slope.
Right on, brother (or sister?).
I've been posting articles about the saber-rattling with Iran, and no one (or very few) in OWS is paying any attention. Our cowardly leaders in DC are getting ready to jump in to a fabricated conflict with Iran, no thanks to our ridiculous support of whatever mess Israel seems to want to get involved in. Have fun; here we are on the cusp of WW3.
It's ridiculous, another war under false pretences. Ows doesn't care about root problems, it likes to busy itself with symptoms
Great post, it's time America stopped the whole " they hate us coz we are free" bullshit and realise its because we invade, kill and corrupt their countries for profit.
We are BOMBING six countries. . . BUT it is only for their own good . . .
If you are against wars you are against our troops and anti american. One of you is also the antichrist.
actually feeling responsible to stop this countries war makes me a bit of a nationalist
I am for the troops . . . Bring the troops home . .
I am for the troops too! Excellent people, the politicians that do not respect them though, is another thing.
Bring them home! A fact I saw is that Ron Paul (I'm not endorsing anyone) gets more donations from ACTIVE servicemen and women than all republican candidates COMBINED and more than the sitting president. He is fiercely anti invasion. I just think that's really interesting
True this election cycle and the last one as well. Yet Ron Paul has less face time during debates than any of the other poor excuses for Presidential Candidates.
I don't support any candidate, I just think its interesting that the one person who is unwavering in his desire to bring them home, gets the donations. MORE than a sitting president? This is unheard of. Every time you see a soldier interviewed on tv, they all say " we need to be here, the Iraqis etc want us". Yet the money tells a different story- the majority want to be home, protecting this great country, not forcing our way on others. Media lies?
I like Ron Paul. 30 years of consistent honesty. Whether you agree with him or not, he is unwavering. I'm sick of being lied to by politicians.
Man of integrity
Media lies?
Oh they wouldn't lie would they ?
The profits of war are huge for the few . .
The price of war is huge for the many . . .
Corporate-Fascists Clamor for Iran War
Hahaha, the rapist and spouse beaters anthem " you made me do this!"
The corrupt, the greedy, and the evil invented war.
End the wars! They're using terrorism as a smoke screen for imperialism.
I agree. Keep the people afraid of the monster and they will let you do whatever you want to them....
Do you realize how much money the US "gives" to other countries every year? Especially the ones we've invaded to "help".
I do, and I am in disbelief that people have taken this long to rebel.
That's a problem though. We need to be very careful about who we think we're rebelling against. Not all of every is evil. And those who are truly the most evil, and have the most at stake, are not going to be the obvious ones. They aren't that stupid.
Who are you rebelling against?
ha we have permanent bases in Japan and Germany that spend 1# and 1.4 % of their gross domestic product on military while the US spends 4,7% on the military.
The US is opening a base in Australia
It will be American's first long-term military expansion in the region since the Vietnam War.
America has always had imperialistic tendencies. If you take the First American Intervention, Manifest Destiny, the Monroe Doctrine, and the failed attempt to conquer Canada, we are no different than The Roman, Greek and Austrian empires. Whether it is hubris or natural, I'm not sure, but nations seem to be more compassionate to their citizens once their failed adventurers are over. Globalization was just a euphemism for empire. The imperialist took off his Jack Boots and threw on his business suit.
Hilarious. Carry on sir.
Although transparent government is absolutely necessary, leaks with regards to governments closely linked in policy should also be made public, especially those of her closest ally.
How long until US interference in Iran? Taking bets now, my money is within 2 months
Bomb Iran! Someone from there looked at me funny once. Therefore we should bomb their evil asses back to the stone age. Seriously, if Americans want to be safe, we need to eradicate every other race and nation.......
Hahahahahahahaha geography...... Hahaha
Seriously love this post!
In case you've been asleep in a vacuum and have never seen the clip where President D.W. Eisenhower talks about the impending danger poised by the Military Industrial Complex. (an area he is well versed in) and then check out the tax rate this Republican President imposed on the rich. and it is indeed a fact that we have more military hardware than the rest of the world put together. (happy happy little industrial military complex)
Wiki Occupy Wall Street
United We Stand ! Let's Build it Together ! Yes we are Us . . .
I feel shame 2 b an american coz of our govm policies nd nonsense ppl.v shud wakeup now .govm is satanic folwng n wrkng 4 israel's satanic plans.its v bad dat v r silent.ppl all over da wrld might b thinkng dat v too r like our gov nd they r right 2 hate us ,think abt it
Stop the Jew bashing
Am free to express .be transparent ok.and you call it jew bashing.just say whatever you words would not change.truth is truth.isn't it israel behind?you call it jew bashing.
Corporate-Fascists Clamor for Iran War
We are special. "those people" hate our freedom and way of life. I heard that on TV so it must be true.
Yeah, I heard that too. Must be true. People blow themselves up because the USA is where it's at......
Haha tv = true always
Only if it's TruTv.
You should go to a depot some time and see the mile after mile of wrecked war equipment. As far as you can see. And you know what they do with it, for example on the hummers, they strip them down to the frame and sell everything else. Your talking tons of steel. Just some of the doors on those hummers are 3 inches thick. And they are selling it for penny's on the dollar.
The military machine is huge!! Bigger than you can imagine.
Without a fraudulent currency supplied by the fed, we could never afford to fund these endless wars of aggression.
End the Fed and end the wars.
End the fed and we couldn't afford to go to war!
precisely! we should beware of infiltration by war mongers! christians and freemasons are stooges of the male only hierarchy that advocate a crusade or religious war or a war on iran, imminent?
Go to a military cemetery sometime, like Arlington. Endless rows of white markers perfectly aligned as far as you can see. Pretty depressing. The true cost of war.
I agree, patriotic young people who made the ultimate sacrifice, used by their government.
I love you. Pudgy children are cute!
OMFG that is funny you little troll scrooge i want to pinch your cheecks
Think about it.
Yup, I am. I'm thinking you better look cute in bluejeans and be nearly as pretty as my daughter otherwise I might just knock your block off.
If you are a dude and bigger than I am an ex-special forces, take a number and stand in line.
If you are a female you already have my attention. Hop under the covers and let's find something to talk about honey!
You look for people that look like your daughter? That is seriously weird. If you are ex special forces or military, please do not think this is meant as disrespectful. Chocolatechicken said it best. See above.
uh...that kind of took it weird. No. She's just a kid. I think her mom is pretty. But to put a fine point on it, yes, we think kids are pretty. Pretty cool. They make our eyes smile. So yes, kids are pretty in the same way are rainbows and sunrises and stuff that makes us smile. Why do you even ask such questions?
You did need to explain yourself. Good save!
Not really sure what you are trying to say here?
A lot of Americans have never heard about a country
until the US talks about going to war there