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Forum Post: Goals: to change policies we must change government

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 11:18 a.m. EST by dwr (0)
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1 - corporates are not people and are not entitled to constitutional rights, corporate rights are only those defined by statute, 2 - no vote in congress shall require more then a simple majority unless required by the constitution, 3 - district boundaries shall not be drawn based upon political preference 4 - eliminate the electoral college

All of these practices have led to excessive influence of special interests and in particular corporate interests which have unlimited funds and ability to impact elections and block progress (particularly in the Senate



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[-] 1 points by doninsalem (74) 13 years ago

In remembrance of Katrina, as a possible least costly F.E.M.A Enterprise, in being able to directly answer all ideas and so many highly possible planned solution(s) (or until) to the matters of “it’s not a question of if, but when.” Why shouldn’t (or couldn’t) we, as a way to show true unity, consider making the nuclear aircraft carrier U.S.S. Enterprise/or other ETC. (a ship said to have outlived its usefulness in one area etc) into a kept at port (until needed) F.E.M.A. flag ship? If the Navy has no further use for it, kept properly maintained the Coast Guard, F.E.M.A., and National Guard most definitely do (etc). Through tours and other means (donation collections?) shouldn't it have always been suggested, as a way to save so many lives, that “a money already well spent policy” be initiated to further contribute to all areas that could and would be affected, due to the cost of economics (etc), before anything is to be destroyed? It should never have taken (given more than fair warning) two weeks to deliver water to anybody in such a country as is suppose to be ours (we are better than that). If things do begin to come apart the best thing we could possibly do in the name of humanity is try to insure that the keys to so many places and things that could be at least a temporary reprieve be made available at some known location(s), so that any that may (or may be) left behind have at least half the chance as some others? L-n-S D J G 2 Salem Mass. EST. 1626

[-] 1 points by doninsalem (74) 13 years ago

Historically speaking (and correct) the "European Aristocrat(s)" have been trying to pull this country (and it's PEOPLE) into every endless imaginable conflict, that they ever could/is at all possible. Where did they get the idea to begin w/ looking into greener alternative fuels (solar, wind, HYDROGEN, ETC.) ? From "US" (?) just talking about it for over fifty years. Instead of under the table deals (in total contradiction of any leadership set course), what do you think would happen, if instead of making promises (a.k.a. wrong deals ETC.) into ensuring that the flow of oil (as well as it's usage ETC.) continue, they would do if "WE" announced tomorrow that since it is clear "that all cooperation has gone out the window", "The United States" has decided to begin manufacturing it's own HYDROGEN (and using "it" just like scientists have wanted) as a main alternative fuel/power source/ETC., by using the other methods (solar/wind/NOT EXCLUDING "IT"/ETC.) to do it? "Most sincerely", (LOVE-n-STUFF) DONNIE Salem Mass. EST. 1626 P.S. If a nuclear enriched pellet could run a super aircraft carrier for ten to fifteen years ETC., how much HYDROGEN (as an energy alternative) could that same "PELLET" produce? +

[-] 1 points by ttoomm (2) 13 years ago

You are wrong. Corporate military interests are the ones who really took over and there is no way of reform since they own congress. I have re-written America the Beautiful I offer this as an anthem:

America Contemptible(To the tune of America the Beautiful)

Contemptible for specious lies For blood-red waves of pain
For purple bruising travesties All done for greedy gain America America There is no God for thee But as an idol you’re homicidal From sea to dying sea.

Contemptible for patriot feats
Whose manliness express Your military power sweeps Across this world in stress America! America Fucked idol of many flaw Deny your evil through self-deceival Rapaciousness through law

Contemptible whose GI’s proved Imposing rending strife
Who mawkishly their idol loved
And mercilessly took life America! America! Through gold thy lust define Till all excess be nobleness And billionaires divine

Contemptible for fear and hate Directed at the weak Arrest the poor, incarcerate Your justice is a shriek America America Elitist laws for thee The mind and health enjoyed by wealth Is theirs eternally

Contemptible whose schemers suck the rich who drop them scraps to pass the laws us poor to fuck Democracy’s a crap America America Your patriots serve you well The fear and hate they instigate Reap taxes like a spell

Contemptible your patriots’ dream To zone the world for beer Your automated weapons gleam Humanity in fear Malignant-a America Military’s all for thee Give billionaires the earth and air Including all the sea