Forum Post: Goal: "Fairness for All" - VOTE Here/Now
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 11:50 a.m. EST by glenn1984
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
+1 if you agree (let's set some direction here) I think we need a clear message by this weekend's world wide protests.
Goal: "Fairness for All"
Through: 1) Election/Financing Reform (key) 2) Tax Reform 3) Corporate Reform
Exactly, which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive strategy, and related candidate, that implements all our demands at the same time, including these, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to be 1 of 100,000 people needed to support a Presidential Candidate – such as myself or another you'd like to draft – at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
C-mon ... I've see you paste this same post everywhere all day today. You have to change it up if you want people to listen.
It's very tough when you need to get 100,000 support clicks at in order to get whatever candidate you draft in support of the above bank-focused platform, right?
But okay, how about this for a change-up in support of your joining the above link, as follows:
Your costs (or your workload) can be lowered by 75% today, but only with productivity improvements that result in 75% lower prices. For example, the 99%, as Home Town Banks of 65,000 Members, can divide themselves into 16,384 Vehicle Investment Groups of 4 Members, with each group of 4 Members purchasing a hybrid-diesel-hummer-limo Cab which they then put into their Town Cab Fleet of 16,384 Cabs. Why? Because this would reduce their Individual Transportation Costs by 75% (Cost of 1 Cab / 4 Members = 75% less cost per member), and yet they would have a Luxury Limo Cab available to them, out of 16,000 cabs in their Town, five minutes after calling for one, but not necessarily the specific luxury cab they own 25% of. This 75% reduction in Individual Transportation Costs -- for everyone -- reduces transportation prices by 75%, and thus money, by 75% (and let's not forget the lessening of Mother Nature's burden from having 75% fewer cars with no traffic jams). Furthermore, the list of simple productivity improvements like this one -- which the 99% want but the 1% don't want -- are endless. But first, the 99% must control the banks before they can control their Town (and National) design in this manner which is less costly (in terms of the worker hours to maintain it by 75% too) and yet have 75% greater luxury (such as a limo cab) at the same time. Consequently, to decentralize banking into a Direct Democracy is to lower cost 75% is to lower price 75% is to lower the existence of money by 75%, and eventually, to lower prices to near zero through automation, nanotechnology, etc, but ONLY as bank owner-voters.
Sorry, re-posting at the top (finally figured out how)
Zuccotti Park brothers - CAN YOU HEAR US???
We need you to get that "goal voting page" working so we can clarify the message before the 10/15 rally. Anyone??
Also make the blog searchable. Please. Some of us are only virtual.
Zuccotti Park brothers - CAN YOU HEAR US???
We need you to get that "goal voting page" working so we can clarify the message before the 10/15 rally. Anyone??
Also make the blog searchable. Please. Some of us are only virtual.
Left libertarian videos
Work Sucks
Workers' Self-Management
Visions of a Free Society
who's "fairness" - yours or mine? Fairness is subjective and requires a judgment of what is "fair". There's a LOT of people who believe your 1,2, and 3 are already fair.
but I do understand your sentiment. I like to use the work "fairer". Like my advocacy of The FairTax I wish they called it The FairerTax
I don't think "Fairness" needs precise defining in the context of being a uniting message/slogan of the movement. The beauty of it is that everyone that does not think the current status quo is fair can identify with it. The 3 key goals/implementations that follow define what this "fairness" applies to, and people can relate to these three pain points. I agree that the three goals would need to be further defined, but here is the foundation to start from.
Were heading towards a new country here do we all know that ?
Great - please get out and leave ours alone.
why would you say that to an american.?
Yes! Though I wouldn't word it as "Fairness for All", too much ambiguity. #1 is vital, 2 is necessary but the movement would need to put some thought into proposing some alternative to our current tax system, 3 may compromise some potential supporters but it's all contingent upon what "corporate reform' actually entails
Thanks CE ... it is ambiguous, but encompassing the movement well I think ... call it the uniting message/slogan rather then goal than.
By #3 I meant reform of corporate personhood (not abolishment) to include financial responsibility for their actions (financial because we can't put a corp in jail for irresponsible behavior, and $$$ what motivates and steers them)
Ah, well then, that I completely support. Now if only OWS would put out a statement like that before the Marxists or Democrats take over the movement like the GOP did with the Tea Party...
I agree ... and by OSW we mean people on the ground in Zuccotti Park or if someone at Adbusters could take that responsibility .... since that's where media attention is.
Zuccotti Park brothers - CAN YOU HEAR US???