Forum Post: Go to Washington!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 12:23 a.m. EST by hproctor30
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Yes, I completly agree that the heads of these corporations and Wall Street are scumbags. If I get a poor performance review at work, I sure as heck don't get millions of dollars in bonuses. If someone hands you money, are you going to turn it away? No! Washington needs to quit with the hand outs, quit rewarding poor performance. Its not just the corporations that are taking from us though. Tom Coburn (R) just released a 36-page document about the $30 billion dollars spent on "welfare for the wealthy." Explain that to me. Here are some figures taken over the past few years.
•$18.15 million in child care tax credits •$74 million in unemployment checks •$89 million for preservation of ranches and estates •$316 million in farm subsidies •$608 million in business entertainment deductions •$9 billion in retirement checks •$21 billion in gambling losses •$28 billion in mortgage breaks for mansions, vacation homes and yachts
Go to Washington!! Make them explain to us why our hard earned money and tax dollars go to unemployment for millionaires or their gambling losses. I WANT ANSWERS!!!!
On April 22... lets occupy the Washington mall in sympathy with earthday and then do a march to occupy congress.
let's make this a million person event there and a 25 million person event nationally.
Fixating on taxes just doesn't make sense at this juncture. The median productivity of an American worker is $97k, but the median compensation of an American worker is only $44k. The median American pays only 27% taxes, including all state, federal and local taxes and fees.
So, lets add it up. That means the median American is paying just under $12k/year in taxes, but their employer is skimming $53k off the top of their paycheck. Why focus on the amount that the government taxes us, at least some of which goes to good causes, when the rich are taxing us more than four times as much just for themseleves?
The corporations, the federal government and the state governments are all implicated in that profiteering, and OWS is protesting all three. Occupy DC is protesting to the federal government. Occupy Wall Street is moving back and forth between the corporations and city hall. But the root problem certainly isn't taxes, it's the profit taking.
Occupy the FED.. they knew what was coming. re;Obama had no control over this still doesn't
We have to go through Philadelphia to get to Washington if you get my drift:
Uh, those gambling losses aren't write-offs for millionaires, they're for idiots who gamble in general, innit?
There already is an Occupy DC in the National Mall, has been for months. And there is already an "Occupy the Highway" working group marching on foot all 300 miles from Zucotti south to DC. We're way ahead of you!