Forum Post: Go OWS! & Concern re. Nazi 'endorsement'
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 1:41 a.m. EST by PTrina
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hi all. I've been following OWS mainly on FB until now, also reading linked stories & following mainstream media to some extent. I see that the American Nazi Party has released an 'endorsement' (and apparent interest in co-opting) OWS. I just want to say that I hope OWS will make its position clear on this, as soon as possible, and do its best to be sure the response is widely-disseminated. Some how I doubt that many of the 99% are happy about the 'endorsement.'
A demographic fyi, in case it's useful: I'm disabled and have major transportation issues, so can't get out to my local 'Occupy' events, but please know that I'm supporting you all the way! I'm a 52-year-old white female and, believe me, would be working if I could. I couldn't have my home forclosed-upon, as I didn't own one. I didn't lose my savings' value, as there weren't savings to begin with. But I have a roof over my head and food, so I'm not as badly-off as many people today.
Bad Apples making names for themselves. that is not why most are involved.. come on man
I wouldn't doubt that nazi thing is some kind of set up by opponents.
Here's your chance to create a 3 party system!!
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