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Forum Post: Go Out and Get A Job

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:49 p.m. EST by supporter22 (0)
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This whole go out and get a job thing is ridiculous.

OWS exists because corporations are being bailed out with obscene amounts of money, yet they aren't hiring. Wall Street has screwed up the government, people who would normally retire aren't. Therefore making no room for college educated people to start at a job that matches they're educated.

We are a generation of over-qualified assistants and cashiers who are simply waiting for the baby boomers to either die or retire.

Go out and get a job doesn't do it. We're not asking anyone to pay off our debts, but college wasn't cheap. So with this job, and in my case (the two jobs I have) how are they supposed to pay for my cost of living and my college loans? Not to mention the enternal debt we're falling into because we can't pay it off.

Last time I checked this was America, a country for the people by the people, and as Americans we do not go home and wait in the corner for our chance. Every succesful American has overcome obstacles, spoken their mind and achieved what they set out to achieve.

Go out and Get a job. You try to run your life on $9/hr at a temp agency. We want out of our parents homes, living on our own.

The generation before us had these rights handed to them, why are we any different?



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[-] 2 points by dingalingy (54) 13 years ago

We need to create our own jobs, growing food locally and providing care for our neighbors, and combatting environmental degradation, but there is no support for the kinds of things we need to do. When we try, we encounter resistance from systems designed to consolidate power.

[-] 2 points by StevenMagnetgAyq5lzi952 (40) 13 years ago

I have a job. Owned a business for eight years. I get fucked by the bank rates because I'm not a corporation. I get screwed by advertisement, even at a 50% discount, because I"m not a big box store corporation.

You shills are laughable, trying to play us all off as hippies, while you're sitting here posting for pay on an internet forum, protecting the interests of billionaires who don't even know you exist.

[-] 1 points by WorldFreedom (62) 13 years ago

There are no jobs. What jobs haven't been destroyed by the greed of the bankers, have either been automated, outsourced oversees, or rendered redundant to the massive cheap imports from China.

This is where Bernanke et al just does not get it. He can give businesses as much "access to debt" as he wants, but unless there is an ongoing demand for the products or services the business is offering, which there increasingly isn't, they cannot justify employing staff that will cost money while the business is in more debt.

The whole system is over - capitalism, banks, government, everything. The whole lot needs to come down so a new, equal system based on real needs can emerge from the ashes like the mythical Phoenix.

[-] 0 points by alwayzabull (228) 13 years ago

Getting a job isn't all that great either! I have a decent middle class job and I'm still poor trying to keep up with the rent, trying to save for retirement, and so on. I pay 40% of my wages in taxes. Getting ahead in this world is tough, even with a job especially in light of inflation and taxes! I know it's tough out there. Good luck, my friend.

[-] 1 points by synonymous (161) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Sorry to correct you but when you add up "all" the little taxes we are paying more like 65% tax..FYI

[-] 1 points by alwayzabull (228) 13 years ago

Thanks for the correction. This is not what our founding fathers had in mind. 65% in taxes going to a broken government is unacceptable.