Forum Post: Go Home and stop pissing our money away!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 2:15 p.m. EST by hotdoghenry
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You OWL people are a fucking joke. You wanted change and you got it. You got everything that you deserve. You vote for morons like Obama & radical left wing idiots like Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Dodd, Weiner etc. What did you expect? So go home, stop pissing our money away and vote when the time comes. If you continue to elect radical left wing idiots, you'll get more of the same! So stop complaining and enjoy your socialism! While its lasts, you all asked for it!
corporations are organizations, at best groups of people. when is the last time you shook hands with a corporation?
as far as bought and sold i meant corruption in general not the whole gov. although now it is rampant. for example, how did we get tax laws that allow GE to pay no tax at all? someone wrote these loopholes into law, someone on someones payroll.
i voted, for obama who was the lesser of 2 evils. (our 2 party system is a joke).
we have 2 wars going at the moment. who's making record profits now? everyone? hope you have halliburton stocks.
our political system works very well for people with money but not for those without money. wealth can distort the democratic process (paid campaigners, more air time on tv and radio, more ad money etc.)
owl is a clever pr stunt to mobilize people who feel they have no chance in our political system and its being done on a shoestring
your faith in the system is admirable but a little naive, corporate influence has gone too far.
have read anything by noam chomsky. he writes about the relationship between american foreign policy and business interests. it is shocking and criminal. you will understand why so many foreigners hate the u.s..
it's our system, we can change it if we want to.
wait and see...
I am a corporation and I'd be happy to shake hands with you.
GE did not create the loopholes, the govt did!
Personally I do not own any stock. I do not believe in it. But I do have a 401k and I'm sure they have Halliburton.
Obama was not the lesser of 2 evils. I was no fan of McCain either but Obama is a complete disaster!
LOL on the Noam Chomsky.....
Seriously, everything you listed here is a govt issue. You would get allot more people on board if you had a leader, a clear message especially about QEI&QEII, get rid of the radical left wing stuff and went to DC.
That would make sense, what is going on now is pointless
what is going on now is not pointless and it's definitely got your goat. ;)
GE or an industry-wide group surely had lobbyists or politicians bought out to make the the laws. you're being naive and ignoring how this country works. money talks and shit walks, right?
i come from a 3 generation business family and rejected that lifestyle from an early age. chasing money is boring. experiencing life is where it's at. not shaking hands with corporations
You didn't get my point. Corp are people most of the time. I don't agree with whats going or has been going at all.
I pissed off just like everyone else. I just think the anger should be directed at Washington DC.
d.c. and wall street are in it together with other big money and they're all listening. they're probably paying people to monitor this forum right now. paranoid? probably not ;(
No, we aren't going to go home.
So what will you accomplish and how will you know that you have done so?
hotdog, do think it correct that large corporations can change laws in this country using lobbyists? is a corporation a person? do you think our government can be bought and sold to benefit a small percentage of the people? is that good? who makes money when we have a war? please answer this
You asked many questions here I will answer them in order.
Lobbyists need to go or be reformed. This practice is out of control as well as campaign finance reform. There was an opportunity to fix campaign finance back in 2008 but he Democratic majority of congress blocked it. Obama has done nothing about it since so you have a sitting President of the USA, with more than $1billion in the bank for his re-election bid
2.) is a corporation a person? When someone asks me that question it shows a real lack of understanding of how business works. But maybe this will help you learn. There are really only four types of business in our country today. They are:
A.) Sole Proprietorships/ Partnerships B.) Sub S Corp C.) LLC ( Limited Liability Corp ) 4.) C Corp
A, Sole Proprietorships/ Partnerships are always in fact a person or in the case of a partnership a very small group of persons. There are in fact very few business's that operate under this scenario due to the fact there is no protection from liability for the individual owners.
B&C, Sub S corp and LLC's are almost always but not exclusively individuals like you and me. Dr's, lawyers, CPA firm would operate typically as LLC for example. Your local dry cleaner, restaurant owner, hardware store grocery store would usually be a Sub S corp. This category of business's in the US is the clearly the most commonly used and is almost always a person.
The last category the C Corp Is usually not and individual but a very large company like your publicly traded company. Percentage wise this is the second smallest group of corporations in the USA. I say second because Sole Proprietorships/Partnerships is in fact the smallest group. The C corp is subject to " Double Taxation". In most cases a C corp would NOT be an individual but there are cases where yes in fact they would be individuals but that is not typical.
So in response to your second questions the answer is YES. Most corporations are in fact people!
do you think our government can be bought and sold to benefit a small percentage of the people? is that good?
No I do not believe that the entire US government can be bought as a whole! This is delusional thinking! Corruption in govt starts at the local level. It's nothing new. But to say that the country has been bought out by corporations is not rational thought.
To further the discussion, the private business sector is what provides jobs in this country. Banks, Financial institutions, publicly traded companies employ millions of Americans. "People" buy shares of these companies as investments for their families future.
When you attack these institutions, you are in fact attacking anyone that has a job, owns property, has a pension, a 401k etc.
The reason we have the problems we do today, is that for some reason our government, both this administration and the previous one didn't let the free market work. They intervened. There was no reason to bail out any company in this country. Had the government let GM, some of the banks fail etc. things would be much better today.
It's always the government that is the problem.
Your last question about who makes money when we have a war? Usually everyone. Why did you ask that?
The entire OWL thing is really absurd. Our process still works. Unfortunately, only about 25% of the people in this country vote. Did you vote in the last Presidential election? Who did you vote for? National and Local?
This is a funny post. Or it would be funny except that you aren't the only narrow, fascist pea brain spouting off this stuff. The people who "asked for it" are the people like you who insisted on getting 100% of what they wanted or they were going to shut down society. This is what you get.
O wait, let me profile you:
I think that pretty much sums it up. Maybe with your next post you can enlighten us about the circumstances of Obama's youth in Kenya (or was it Nigeria; anyway, you figure it out and let us know) or his madrasa education. Fool.
Only a liberal resorts to name calling. You have nothing else. You have no plan, no direction, no belief system, Why not post some real ideas for change?
Like 1) end the exemption for anti trust laws that insurance companies have 2.) Allow Insurance companies to compete across state lines 3.) repeal Dodd/Frank 4.) repeal Obamacare 5.) Tax everyone at the same rate. like 8 %
Got any ideas ? or are you just waiting for a handout and threatening to close more roads if you dont get what you want?
ladies and gentlemen, the process of corporate infiltration of the american government has been happening for over 100 years now. both parties have allowed this to happen, pointing fingers is senseless. have you ever noticed who profits every time we have a war? have you ever noticed whose children don't go into combat? which corporations have profited from the invasion of iraq? where did dick cheney work before he ran for vp? squabbling amongst ourselves is exactly what they want. watching tv and letting yourself be 'programmed by the programs' is exactly what they want.
money distorts democracy,that is our problem and that must stop!!!
You are right but OWL is not the answer. Left Wing radicals and Centrist type wussy talking heads like Boegner are the perfect recipe for the disaster we have.
We need leaders not politicians. We need smart business people to run the country!
We must remember what allowed the banksters the ability to run roughshod over our economic system. The Graham-Leach-Bliley Act: "An Act To enhance competition in the financial services industry by providing a prudential framework for the affiliation of banks, securities firms, insurance companies, and other financial service providers, and for other purposes." allowed investment (casino) banking institutions, insurance companies, and commercial (retail) banking institutions to consolidate, co-mingle funds, to engage in risky investment activities, to take money from you and me to fund the injustice committed upon the citizens of, not only the United States but, in large part the world. The Commodities Futures Modernization Act allowed them to create the derivatives you hear so much about which were a major factor in the debacle which destroyed our economy. Both of these acts must be repealed within our system of government or the banks will continue to use our money to fund their gambling activities. Help me by signing the petition: The Glass-Steagal act separates these two types of banking institutions to keep the gambling activities separate from commercial banking activities. (commercial banking activities are the services we, as bank customers, utilize. i.e. savings, checking, loans)
Very well written. You are absolutely right.
Govt involvement is always the problem. Let the free markets work. Repeal them all. Dodd/Frank = give anyone a mtg. ( Liar Loans ) Obamacare = NO JOBS! increasing unemployment Sarbannes/Oxley and on and on and on
Truth Henry, well said bud!
Smarty pants... all this is thanks to the previously elected morons!
Exactly! Reid, Pelosi, Dodd, Frank, Weiner, Schumer, Kennedy, Clinton, the list goes on!
Where are the totals of the donations, Can someone have "leadership" contact me? if they don't know how to post the info, I will code it for them.
They should all line up and jump off the Brookly Bridge one by one, thus sacrificing themselves for the sake of the whole "Smurfin" village.
Yep corporate socialism has been a mainstay in our government for over 8 years now. No investments since the Bush years. Gotta love it! Glad to see the 1% is chimming in!
You people have been voting for these morons for years, sorry decades! So you wake up one day and decide to form a mob and screw up the city. Just brilliant. Your in the wrong fucking place! You should be in in Washington DC. You elect people like Obama, Carter, Clinton, Bloomberg, Frank, Dodd, Weiner, Kennedy, Reid, Pelosi and you are surprised by what you get?
I am not anywhere close to the rallies. This may suprise you but I own my own business. I work very hard and wear many hats. People out there can't find work and are pissed. Granted, they may not have direction yet but they will. BTW, Bush was no angel and put our country from surplus to the toilet. Agreed, the protest should be in DC as well. It should be everywhere. The corruption on both sides needs to stop. PAC funds and lobbiests should not be allowed to contribute. Get them out of our politician's pockets!
I agree with you bluefish! I own a small biz too I know their frustration but they are barking the wrong way. Bush spent way too much! He was the better choice.. Can you imagine that elitist snob Kerry in the WH? If these people were more focused and targeted the right issues, they would gain mainstream support for the general population. Most of these people do not understand how much of their rights have been stripped from them in the last 2 1/2 years. They don't realize that they will be required to purchase health care for themselves, employed or not! They don;t understand that 50% of the US population pay zero taxes.
People can't find work because of the economy. This administration is doing nothing to fix it! Raising taxes will make things worse. They need to lower tax rates (indefinitely) so people like you and I can start investing in our business's again.
I think that all politicians are "elitists". I believe candidates get into the position with good intentions but the lobbiest's get into their pockets and it goes back to Wall St. I think that healthcare is, yet, another frustration. It is for me. I had to give up our healthcare in 07 when the economy turned. If anything happens to me or my family, we will loose everything. That is scary! The healthcare plan, albeit, is not the best but it is the only one that has made it through. It should be more like Canada but that would be socialist, right? You don't see a bunch of Canadians flooding the boarder towns to have a crack at the American pie. A public option should have never been taken out of the plan. I used to work in the medical field before opening up the business and I saw first hand what the lack of health care does. People using ER rooms for a doctor's visit. The current system burdens the first responders with calls that could have been taken care of by a doc but there is no money in the budget for a doc's visit. There just has to be a better way for the system. Don't get me started on people going without the meds for mental problems.
I happen to know a great deal about Canada's health care. My partner is in fact Canadian. He comes here for health care. Their system sucks. The reason health care is such a problem is that it is rigged!
Insurance companies are "Exempt" form anti trade laws. You probably did not know that. Look into ISO. It is a not for profit that is owned by all the major insurance companies. They collectively decide what rates we all pay on insurance around the US.
It's like the mob. Company A get to offer lower rates on Auto in CA, but company B gets to offer lower rate in SC on Life.
We need to stop the exemption and allow or I guess I should say force the insurance companies to compete across state lines. That would change everything as long as you throw in a little tort reform.
Agreed, changes need to be made in many facets, like healthcare, etc. Again, there's so many issues the OWS is angry about it's hard to put a face to it but it all goes back to where the money is. Nice chatting with you hotdoghenery and good luck to you and your business.
Why are you guys even here? If you dislike this group so much, why not go back to Fox and Glen Beck?
By the way FLsupport, Instead of directing those of us that disagree with OWL to watch Fox, why don't you come up with and intelligent response to the post? Do you have one? Is there a thought in your head other than to follow the group of mindless sheep fucking up the city?
Come up with an intelligent post and I will respond intelligently. It still doesnt make sense why people are here. Are you guys jealous because the Tea Party didnt really work out the way you thought it would?
Thank you
I'm far too busy during the week working to watch Fox. How about you? Take allot of time collecting hand outs doesn't it?
You failed to answer my question. You must be here because you heard about it somewhere. It certainly isnt because you support the movement.
Why am I here? How did I hear about it? Are you fucking serious? How could I not hear about it? Shutting down the Brooklyn bridge? Fucking up traffic all over the city? I'm here to tell you guys stop complaining! You got what you deserved! You voted for all these assholes! Now answer my question! What did you expect voting for these people?
I didnt. However, I notice you only aim left....never right......your political agenda is showing.
So you didn't vote? Or you voted for people other than I mentioned? Your dam straight I fire left! That is overwhelmingly the problem in this country! Sure, Bush spent too much money. He did it with a left leaning house and Senate! Of course I have a political agenda! WTF do you think this is? Are you that fucking nuts that you think this is not a political discussion?
Your failure to understand the movement is obvious then. The movement is not about politics per se. It is about business interests invading politics maybe, but it is also about wage degeneration, lack of health care availability etc. Those are things the right wing ignores and the left wing does little about. So who is left to vote for? If they are all paid by the same master, the point is, we should be taking our grievances up with the master, not the slaves. So we protest corporations and unfettered capitalism. Not capitalism for the sake of all but capitalism for the few. That is what the protests are about. The point is it is not just your typical right/left discussion because it goes beyond that and addresses the real puppet masters. See, it doesnt matter where Nancy Pelosi or Eric Cantor stand, though you are correct that I care less for one than the other. That isnt the problem these people are addressing. They are addressing big business in control of everything to the detriment rather than the betterment of society as a whole. So if I am crazy, I am crazy like a fox.
The so called movement is misguided. You think your libs or progressives or outside he system but your not. Pay attention to some of the Republican candidates. They do have answers and are addressing the problems.
What would you replace Capitalism with?
I never said I wanted to replace capitalism.
Go home and vote in Novemeber
If these people hate capitalism so much, why don't they leave the U.S.?
You do not have a fucking clue.
Do you know what creative destruction is? Do you know who the economist Joseph Schumpeter is? No, probably not, because you are too busy watching Hannity and worrying about Sharia Law coming to the US and the imminent Democratic Socialist Secular takeover of America.
Anyway, creative destruction is a pillar of capitalism, and we simply don't have it anymore because the government is now in the business of picking winners and losers, whether they be giving low-interest loans to Solyndra or "emergency liquidity" programs to the big banks, the idea is the fucking same, and hopefully you can see that.
This needs to stop, the madness needs to stop. Excise monied influence (Union and Corporation) from the political process, hopefully you agree.
Good response
implying the US is capitalist.
that's not very creative