Forum Post: globaljubilee
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 9:05 a.m. EST by globaljubilee
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Proclaim liberty throughout the land—Leviticus 25:10
In ancient times there existed a tradition of periodically canceling all debts. It was known as Jubilee. In the face of the deepest crisis the country has faced in close to a century, we call for the renewal of that tradition.
Cancel all debt, including mortgages, medical bills, credit-card debts, car notes and student loans!
“If debt is wiped out, won’t the banks fail?” Yes, and the buildings could be used as palaces of culture or to house the homeless.
“If the banks fail, won’t people lose their savings?” People whose debts exceed their savings will gain more than they lose.
“What about the economy?” “What about jobs?” “Can there be a world without bankers?”
Building a new world will require imagination, experimentation… and the willingness to destroy what exists.
From Mexico to Greece, from Egypt to China—a world crisis demands a world solution: Cancel all international debt, as a step toward replacing the system of hostile states and permanent war with a global community.
Beware! Political figures seek to use the occupation movement to build support for programs that will solve nothing and condemn future generations to debt!
End foreclosures and debt slavery!
“Be realistic: Demand the impossible.”—Students in Paris, 1968
You are right on. I would like you to join me in imagining an American Jubilee Celebration:
Imagine a celebration sometime soon in the future: A celebration of Jubilee. Over 90% of the American national debt has been eliminated, through the American National Jubilee Act and International Treaty. Trillions of dollars of new debt-free credit for manufacturing, energy R&D, scientific innovation and advanced technologies to solve the pressing problems facing the world, has been issued by the government lawfully and debt-free. America is rebuilding its economy.
Imagine the American Jubilee Party of the future. It would transcend nationalism, and would indeed be a world wide party, celebrating the “shaking off” of debt burdens around the globe.
The word Jubilee comes from the ram’s horn trumpet, the yobel. This word for the Trumpet of Liberty was translated into English as Jubil, or Jubilation, and became synonymous with a celebration, great joy and festivity.
If you are familiar with the concept of Jubilee, you will know that it was the year when Liberty was proclaimed throughout the land, debts were canceled, slaves set free and the people recovered their inheritance.
When Solon of Athens legislated the laws which kick-started the first democracy in history, he began by implementing the famous law of “shaking off of burdens”, debt cancellation for the poor. Every year after that Athenians celebrated with a party. “Shaking Off Of Burdens” became the name of a Festival of Thanksgiving held by the Greeks in subsequent years in Solon’s honor .
A Model and Inspiration. The Peace Jubilee of 1869
As a model and inspiration, let’s look back to the Peace Jubilee which was held in Boston on June 15, 16, and 17th in the year 1869, which celebrated the Restoration of Peace Throughout the Land after the end of the Civil War. The invitation to our own Grand National Jubilee Celebration and Musical Festival would read something like this:
Welcome to the Grand National Debt Jubilee and Musical Festival to take place in the City of Boston to commemorate the restoration of the control of money by WE THE PEOPLE Throughout the Land
The Restoration of Life, Liberty and Property To our Citizens is the Most Important Event in American History, and is to be celebrated by the Greatest Outpouring of Music Ever Heard on the American Continent.
Consisting of Jazz, Rock, Reggae, Hip Hop, Classical, Blues, Techno, Gospel and every other type of music imaginable and Most Especially Worship Music Addressed to God Almighty in appreciation for His delivering us from National Bankruptcy, Home Foreclosures, Inflation, Depression, Oppressive Taxes, Austerity and Generational Debt Slavery.
We the people would like your help in making the jubilee party a reality. Not a political party (part, faction of the body politic) but a real celebration of shaking off of debt burdens.
Read more at Send me your comments and ideas of how to make jubilee a reality.
Question: Can I PLEASE have a list of the 800+ cities [Worldwaide] involved?
Thanx, Wyl