Forum Post: Globalizing or New World Order Has Been Felony Crimes Of The Worst Magnitude.
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 15, 2012, 3:51 p.m. EST by PeaceNow
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Excerpt from the following website...
What we must finally acknowledge, shout from the highest roof tops and believe with all our hearts is that all that has been done over the past 10 years in the name of Globalizing or New World Order has been felony crimes of the worst magnitude. Many are death penalty offenses, specifically the mass murders of 9-11, the USS Cole, the various assassinations domestically, the multitude of High Treason acts of unprecedented horror and betrayal to the USA by trusted elected and appointed members of our government, corporations and our banks, the murders of millions of innocent civilians internationally that we have raped, murdered, phosphated, bombed, "sterilized" without permission, and pedophiled on behalf of a foreign occupying nation, and that is not all. I can't even imagine the number of those involved that must and will stand before a tribunal and suffer the consequences of their acts.
How do we know? The same psychopaths that did the exact same thing in Nazi Germany are the ones doing this with the aid of traitors, just like in Germany and look what the puppet masters did to their minions that were not part of their class? They sold them out at the Nuremberg trials for closure to the intentional horrors they did in Germany's name, and betrayed their own subjects who did their bidding. Be warned all you legislators, judges, military pentagon personel, etc, you will be sold out when the time is come and your job in betraying your nation is over.
Don't believe me??? GO READ HISTORY. Its all right there for you to see. You will die in the end, with a black mark upon your name for the infinite time of history. They have done this to many nations, throughout history and will continue to do so today and the next era with new countries at risk... China comes to mind and India. There have always been Nuremberg type trials to pacify the masses from their intentional violations of every law of humanity on the planet, after they have achieved their agendas. Did you honestly think they would hang their own? Of course not. Only traitors who are not part of their inner circle, but have served them, because they are the least trustworthy, as is evidenced by their very betrayal of their own nation. The only hope you have is to stand with us, and redeem yourselves. He is so right in this article below....