Forum Post: Global Warming Scam Debunked!
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 14, 2012, 12:19 p.m. EST by jerseydevil
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Respected meterologist John Coleman debunks global warming scam.
Meteorologists (not meterologist), should stick to doing what they do: short term forecasts. Climatologists are the people who deal with Global Warming.
I agree, meteorologists only deal with the weather. Climatologists deal with ALL the weather.
Hey....lookie here!!
It just got rebunked.
Is there no end to the (R)epelican't lies??
Don't forget the fundies.....:)
You are debunked. Respected ornithologist debunks Sasquatch.
Fearful people with little imagination just can not accept that the oil age is ending,. they will cling like shipwreck victims to the lies that let them believe their 'way of life' will never change,. . sad and pathetic.
This is old shit, debunked a hundred times. Get you head out of your ass.
but its so warm and cozy in there - global warming!
Really? Can you debunk it for me?
Actual climatologists (not weathermen) have done so repeatedly. You were too lazy to find out. BUt here is one link to get you started:
Here;s another:
There are plenty more.
But why do I get the sense that you will dismiss all of them, regardless of the science, and that you would rather listen to the propaganda generated by the oil companies?
On another forum, someone posted this same link the OP is pushing, and someone asked me for a link to prove it is paid for by oil interests, do you have one to share?
Thanks for the links,but are you not informed enough to debunk it for me?
"....debunk it for me?" You want me to change your diaper, too?
Par for the course.
The LINKS (which you obviously haven't bothered to read, let alone make the tiniest effort to understand) do the debunking. They are sites written and maintained by actual climate scientists.
No need to learn anything, though. Keep believing in and spouting that Koch Brother mythology. Those oil companies are the real ones on your side. ROTFLMAO.
So what you're saying is you don't know what you're talking about?
No, I'm calling you a spoiled lazy fuck.
No need to get testy. I'm just wondering why you,an obvious proponent of MMGW are not willing to try and convince me it's real with the knowledge you possess?
You're so pathetic. Why would you demand that a forum poster you don't even know prove to you that Global Warming is real. Read the sources he linked to. Read papers from climatologists. That's what matters.
You're a pathetic conspiracy theorist that does whatever it takes in an attempt to prove himself right. Pathetic. Why don't you try reading science journals instead of Alex Jones garbage.
Because it would take all the information I pointed you to! The science is complex. It is about metsystems and their interactions. It is about how you eliminate noise in data, finding valid correlations among different data sets, about dispersion, about feedback loops, about methodology for quantifying acid concentrations in the oceans (which is also caused by Co2). And about a thousand other things.
It is SCIENCE, not politics. It requires study, not ten words posted on a forum. Read the science.
I spent the time studying. That's why I am convinced that the overwhelming number of scientists in the entire world are right in their nearly unanimous consensus.
Well,that was a thoughtful and respectful reply at least and I appreciate it,will look into it thanks.
He's saying all he will be doing is copying and pasting information from the link.
Why would someone spend an hour of their time typing up a response to some random person online when they can just send them a link for that person to read?
He's not giving a speech to 10,000 people. He's chatting on a forum on the internet.
Their are more and more scientists hopping off the gw bandwagon. Many of the kool-aid drinkers just plain believe AlGore, the multi multi millionaire off of the hype. Follow the money and it's obviously a hoax.
This is a great video. You've got to see it,if you can open your mind and just listen perhaps you will come away with a new perspective.
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