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Forum Post: Global Reality of OWS - remove American centric basis to discussions

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 2:34 p.m. EST by brecknock (23) from Regina, SK
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I am writing this as a Canadian but more importantly as a global citizen and a Christian. The economic practices of super computers running quant programs on derivative trades is difficult to square in how it adds value to business. I believe that OWS is a continuation of the Arab Spring and at its essence it is a technological revolution enabled by the BlackBerry where the medium is the message.

If this premise is correct it means that demanding answers from sovereign states to address the discontent is ill placed. Our governments are largely products of the industrial age and following the rise of the social welfare state they have largely not been the basis for solving society’s problems. Indeed they are at best management agencies of services and resources and are ill equipped to adapt to the pace at which changes in an information age occur. This argument seems best demonstrated with the situation in the United States with problems around regulatory frameworks for fractional reserve banking and instruments such as collateral debt obligations.

So much of the OWS is intent on focusing of the American government and political system. I posit that this movement really is global and the solutions will not be perpetuated by nation states. In many ways the global economic system is demonstrative of how the system is anarchism when the debt obligations cross international boundaries but few mechanisms are available to sustain currency viability or bank commitments in non-American jurisdictions.

The solutions we are all seeking will need to arise from the global/technical mediums we have at our disposal and should not be limited to constraints of nationalism for problem framing. Non-sovereign currencies seem to be one idea for actually getting to outcomes for the movement.

Please help make an international dialogue focus for this freedom movement so that in continues to grow globally and makes its way to China and Iran.



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