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Forum Post: Global Protests Continue

Posted 10 years ago on July 23, 2014, 7:01 a.m. EST by turbocharger (1756)
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As people start to connect the dots over the past decade of terrorism, globalists, zionists and the banking syndicate, its become increasingly clear the level of corruption we live in as people of the world.



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[-] 4 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

No one lays the propaganda and revisionist history on like America. At least thats what I think, because this is where Im from. Chances are, governments across the globe are doing it.

From kids pledging in unison to the flag every morning, to changing history through those same books they read, censoring internet searche, anyone who questions it needs a tin foil hat, attempts at expanding democracy are labeled as sabotage, and then telling anyone who is anti war they are not a patriot....








[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

''I’m Israeli. I support my country, and I want to stop any aggression from Hamas,” said Alex Paz of Chicago,'' (from your first link). Well is he an Israeli or an American ? That's an obvious question, right ? Here are three Americans who do have a clue what's going on :

788 Palestinian dead ; 4,000+ injured ; 120,000+ displaced (yet again), water and electricity in chaos ; thousands of buildings damaged or destroyed ; 34 Israelis dead (incl. 2 civilians) and all you can do is blame the far weaker party !!! Have you no shame or decency ?!! Heard about the UN school attacked recently and do you give a shit about anything other than 'exclamation marx' !!!

fiat lux ; fiat justitia ; fiat pax ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Amazing how I open and comment on your links - whereas all you've got is more of the same apoplexy, effluence, insults, oafishness & ugliness !!! Fancy opening my links and .. possibly having a reasonable chat about the contents ?!! Go on dude, surprise me - u can do it ! Have u any criticisms of Israel btw ?

ad iudicium ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Is that a 'no' then ?! I like Eliot Spitzer !! But re. ... ''and now there is no one left but me, shooz and dk'' WOW dude and lol at the hubris !!! I joined this forum before the three of you btw and Builder (remember him ?) was before me & hchc joined before you and snooz, so just how come you DNC 'forked tongue ; two faces' are laying claim to this place and finally, why are you drafting DKAt into your schemes here ?

ad iudicium ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

I'll stand my record against yours any day :

You can cherry pick any line you like out of context as :''Truth told with evil intent ; Beats any lie you can invent'' --- from William Blake's, ''Auguries Of Innocence'' & also fyi, see :

You'll be hard placed to find any ''advocacy of violence'' from me - tho' I may have alluded to fantasies of plastic 'jaw breaking' punches at you & u saying such is very hypocritical coming from you. I am NOT a pacifist tho' and like we used to say back in the days of battling Nazis - ''Self Defence is NO Offence'' & ''No Platform For Fascists''. You and I used to get along a lot better than this - before you just swallowed Likud's playbook without question & stopped takng your psych-meds or was it starting them that did it ?

veritas vos liberabit ...

[-] 4 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 10 years ago

Divide and conquer is how the occupations were broken, and heavy violence,

You guys should all get along, shadz66 back to your logical side, ZEnDog too, much more becoming. The brawl solves nothing.

Get along some for this site everyone. The whole forum is drifting off topic, ZD yes we appreciate your logical enthusiasm, your are becoming too much random abstract in your word choice, just my opinion.

Ok laugh at this silly tussle and be the coalition, represent the 99

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Sweet & please see my later last paragraph above but I honour your words with :

I'm just another stupid bloke - easy to scrap but .. Gaza IS a fkn outrage too far !

pax et lux ; nunc et semper ; hic et ubique ...

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

''We've hit all-time lows with media coverage in this country," Scahill told (HuffPoLives's Alyona) Minkovski. "When you look at what's happening right now in Gaza, this is a massive massacre and one epic series of war crime after war crime, child after child being killed."

Scahill went on to say that "Israeli propagandists are largely given carte blanche to say what they want on American television with very little pushback."

Thanx for the very important and revealing HuffPo link. I have been following Scahill's jounalism for over ten years (since he was a producer / reporter with DemocracyNow!) & his journalism is second to none.

I would very strongly recommend any and all readers to view that. In compliment of what Jeremy Scahill {who's at https://firstlook.org/theintercept/ with Glenn Greenwald - per OP} says, I append the following :

''The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watchlist system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist, according to a key government document obtained by 'The Intercept'.''

This is a long, dense and highly referenced article that made my head spin. I'm not sure it gives itself to 'light reading' lol but it'll reward and alarm in equal measure but is not directly Gaza related - unlike the first link, which is video and transcript & is more accessible and more in keeping with your Scahill link & from which I quote :

''A week after public outrage helped force NBC’s reversal of a decision to pull veteran reporter Ayman Mohyeldin out of Gaza, the sole Palestinian contributor to sister network MSNBC has publicly criticized its coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict. "We are disgustingly biased when it comes to this issue," Rula Jebreal said Monday on MSNBC’s Ronan Farrow Daily, citing a disproportionate amount of Palestinian voices and a preponderance of Israeli government officials and supporters. Jebreal joins us to discuss her decision to speak out against MSNBC and her broader criticism of the corporate media’s Israel-Palestine coverage. An author and political analyst who worked for many years as a broadcast journalist in Italy, Jebreal also shares her personal story as a Palestinian with Israeli citizenship who is married to a Jewish man and has a Jewish sister.''

US MSM coverage of many issues is highly suspect from a 99% p-o-v. However, matters pertaining to the Middle East, Israel / Palestine and now Gaza - particularly so. Thanx again bw and solidarity.

fiat lux ...

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

Great excerpts. The world is waking up to the plight of the Palestinians, and even if all Americans are not, many are opening their hearts and minds to look deeper at this issue.

Thanks for all you do here. Solidarity, Shadz.

[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

'''Lie Down And Die Quietly' - Hanan Ashrawi : 'Deliberate Massacre' in Gaza'' :

A Must Watch Interview. Ms Ashrawi is a PLO Exec. Comm. member and a Christian.

Solidarity with The 99%, whoever they may be, wherever they may be - no exceptions.

Finally, a few examples of the Global Demo's - per the OP :

fiat lux ; fiat justitia ; fiat pax ...

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

"Gaza conflict: US and UN condemn school shelling"


"Mr Ban later said: "I condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms. It is outrageous. It is unjustifiable, and it demands accountability and justice.

"Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children."

More than 3,000 civilians had sought shelter at the school."



[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

I don't need your ''respect'' lol or your hate but you probably need to watch this :

veritas vos liberabit ...




