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Forum Post: Global GA. The next step.

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 4:21 a.m. EST by blazefire (947)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am here because I believe this movement is global, not American. I believe that the only way, the only single way to face international corporations, is to face them internationally. I am Australian, second. I am human first. Is that not the way it is for you too?

I think most problems that exist within America, are the same as here, and, that those problems are relevant to EVERY single living being on this planet. The problems are global. This forces there to be a demand for a solution that is global in nature also.

Can America contain a world gone mad? Should it have to? Or can Americans rise above their own nationality? Can you, whoever you are reading this, rise above YOUR nationality, whatever it may be? Can you simply examine yourself, and the people around you as human. And then leave it at that? Can YOU leave your prejudice behind, and your history also, and, give intent to forge a future based on peace.

What is it that you would create for YOUR children?

At this point, I think embroiling ourselves in national politics is a little like going to the mayor of your city to complain about the state of the nation. It's the wrong place to air such a concern, especially when none of the mayors of any of the cities seem to be talking. I think the true place to air the grievances of our people, of humanity, is on the world stage.

And I think it's our job to build one. To create a world stage, so that debate and discourse, reason and critical thinking may come to the fore on an international level, instead of predator drones and psyops.

I think peak oil/gas is not a problem. I think our denial of the problem is the problem. I think soldiers are not a problem, WARS are a problem. I think money is not a problem, sacrificing all that we could hope for for its sake is a problem.

Are we the world? Watching? Or are we less than that? Can we be more?

What WORLD would you have?

I have a dream....

Famous words.... from a human. What is it that you dream? And would world peace not feature high on that list? Would it not be simple to give that, to our children, to ourselves, to OUR nations?

Humanity. Why is this word so lacking in these forums? We NEED to discover, and then rediscover the true meaning of that word. WE need to be US! WE NEED TO BE THE WORLD! BE HUMAN! BE HUMANITY!

Surely I am not the only one who screams this wish into the night? Surely I have found a place to connect, with people! With people who see the problem, understand the scope, and people who, with sleeves rolled up and a set jaw are ready to take on whatever dirty job needs doing to save the future, for our kids.


If world peace is the 'Z', then a global GA is the 'B".....how can YOU help make this happen? And would you help?



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[-] 1 points by vjeanne (10) 13 years ago

You are not the only one who screams that wish into the night. It's helpful to remember this movement is still very young -- coming up on 3 months! We have so much potential. :)

[-] 0 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

Yes, wherever we see evil, we must destroy it!


The Revolution starts here!