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Forum Post: Global economic collapse is unavoidable.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 10:38 p.m. EST by yarichin (269)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Our world population has outgrown our ability to produce food and land for it. We have 7,000,000,000+ people. All the land on earth cannot produce enough food, and produces barely enough living space to cover that. I don't care what side you think you are on. Can you skin a squirrel? Eat a Raccoon? Which mushrooms are safe to eat? Can you gut and scale a fish? If not, better practice. The groceries will not last for ever. I grew up with an unreliable source of groceries. I know I can live without a store in an emergency. CAN YOU?



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[-] 2 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

Our soil cannot produce enough nutrients indefinitely to grow food for 7 billion people with or without a monetary system.

[-] 2 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

This isn't necessarily true.

We haven't outgrown our ability to produce food. We've outgrown our ability to supply it through the monetary system.

Vertical farming + permaculture + alternative clean renewable energies


Put it this way our number one crop in America... lawn turf grass

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

Lets say that some land is being wasted on a product that cannot be eaten. What is the motivation to change it? Forget money it is an illusion.

[-] 2 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

The motivation to change it now or after people ransack the stores for food? Black Friday will pale in comparison to the 'shopping' done when the economy collapses.

But if you want to provide an incentive for people right now to implement edible crops, point out the savings in $$. Show how homegrown organic foods have less pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMO's, heavy metals, etc.

A community garden serves the same function for those living nearby. This is helpful in low income areas as it gives kids a productive activity and keeps them away from gangs.


The same idea can extend to alternative energy projects. Wind, tidal, geothermal, etc are good investments for the community.

[-] 2 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

The things you are talking about need to be taught in elementary schools. Clean energy, green food production, good diet, etc are modern survival skills our children are being taught nothing useful and it is being paid or from our taxes.

[-] 1 points by Edgewaters (912) 13 years ago

That's a good idea. We used to have two classes in Junior High (Canadian version of Middle School, in some provinces) that have now been abolished in many schools and are on the way out in others: Shop class, and Home Economics. They were sort of divided by gender at the time (boys took Shop, girls took Home Ec) but there's no reason you couldn't update it and get rid of the gender associations (perhaps a rename to clear the air) and reinstitute those classes. Shop taught practical, basic technical skills - a bit of carpentry, sometimes basic welding or an overview of small engines. Home economics taught how to balance budgets, and save money by DIY methods (eg mending clothes and, yes, vegetable gardening in some cases).

I'm assuming they phased them out because it wasn't in line with the idea of citizens as nothing more than employees and consumers. Can't have them building and repairing their own stuff rather than buying things at Wal-Mart, and the skills taught were not generally useful to employers, just to people.

[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

Unfortunately it is designed this way and it is perpetuated due to the monetary system. Our 'education' system is simply designed to mass produce workers and to program future generations to compete against one another through tests and examinations. The best methods of learning are rarely incorporated into the system because it threatens the establishment.


The same can be said of everything you listed. Preventative measures are not profitable and neither is abundance. A happy society isn't one that buys stuff simply to buy stuff. Modern survival demands we begin meeting needs (including emotional ones) through sustainable means. Otherwise nations will continue fighting each other over superficial desires and businesses will continue tearing the planet apart to make a quick buck.

A resource based economy is necessary for our survival.

[-] 2 points by joecool (3) 13 years ago

Amen, someone talking about population growth. If you think things suck now in the United States, what about when the population gets to 400-450+ million around 2050? That is really not that far off. Yet my take is this movement is too PC to address the sources of that problem. Just saying. The greed in the private sector and government is a problem, but there are a bunch of other ones as well that run across the socioeconomic spectrum.

[-] 1 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

Starvation is inevitable in this scenario and Mother Nature will step in with a plague or something to reduce our numbers.

[-] 1 points by deGrene (199) 13 years ago

I think the capitalist economy will not collapse in a single action. Instead, I think we are in for a very long, painful slow dcline and death.

I think of the Roman Empire (as opposed to the Capitalist Empire). We think today of it falling in a matter of weeks or months, but the truth is it took many years for it to fall.

This, I think, will be no different.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

store are closing down in rural america

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

I lived in a small village in Michigan the last store closed 15 years ago. It is spreading.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago


You people are acting like you are the Pilgrims.

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

Large population centers are cities. Medium population centers are towns very small population centers are villages. If you have lived in a large city your whole life then you have my pity. Having a forest in the back of your home with a river is awesome. Smelling tries and corn when you walk down the road is much better then smelling human urine and car exhaust.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

Yeah, but I don't think they call them villages. They call them "towns."

Which raises my suspicions that you may actually be from a different country.

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

Nope born and raised in the USA and it says it right on the sign. Now Entering the Village of -------- population 150.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

OK. I see. You know that most people still call it a town even when it says village on the sign?

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

I've heard small stores have been subsidized by their rural communities

for want of not having to travel many miles

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

May be so but that's not the case where i am from. town started to die when passenger rails gave way to roads. Oil companies split the profits up and shut down rail service.

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 13 years ago

Goldman Sachs very involved with food futures, which has driven up price worldwide. A hungry animal is a dangerous thing.

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

A lion with an empty stomach sleeps, ignoring nearby rabbits. When hungry enough it will eat it's own kind, and so will we.

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Hmm.. Back in the 70's we were supposed to all be dead from starvation by the early 80's. When that didn't happen we were all supposed to be in a Mad Max scenario by the 90's. When that didn't happen the 21st century is supposed to be the end. Wel?

[-] 0 points by ningxiaoyan (4) 13 years ago

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[-] 0 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

Eventually, you'll have mass population controls much more extreme than in China. Anyways, yarichin is an interesting name. Are you nihonjin?

We can start the process by getting rid of these bastards!


The Revolution starts here!

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

Nihonjin janai ke do nagaku nihong ni sundeita. Ningien wa so nani atama ii janai kara, control wa dekinai no koto dayo. Shinu dake. Watashiw wa America no inakamono, shizen no koto wakaru. Shizen nai to ningien nai.

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

I'll take that as a big yes! I assume you were either born here to Japanese parents who made sure you learned your nihongo. A more likely scenario is that you immigrated to the U.S. or at least spent a lot of time here on a student visa. Anyways, would you mind sending me a personal message with the translation.

[-] 0 points by owsleader2011 (304) 13 years ago

Yep, I live here in the Philipines and I can tell you the majority still would only dream of having a handful of rice everyday. But its essentially true the EUROPE, USA, is collapsing, and its why the children are hurting and WHY OWS was created in response to the blame-game, But if you live outside of the FUCKING prison aka USA, then you know the truth, that the world is sick and tired and hates the USA. You think they hurting you now? The USA cops (MIL) have been fucking the world for 50 years, and now the USA is broke, in 1-2 years the USdollar will have no value, WRT to the poster, there aren't enough road-kill for all to fight, long ago SE-asians learned to farm their land and live off their plot, but the USA doesn't have a hope of such, given that the majority of the land is non-farmable. Yes, I hate to conclude with god-send but he right but for different reasons, the ZIONISTs used the USA as a proxy to rob the world, and now that israel has failed and there is nothing left in the USA&europe to steal, ... will its game-over The rest of the world, china, russia, ... will not accept zion(aipac) to rule their country's, as we don't live in front of a TV and eat shit 24/7. To yarichin yes, here where I live its sq-meters, and most can live like kings at about 10 sq-meter per person. A little water you have a pond for fish, and all else is veggies, maybe a chicken running around for eggs, your house is just shed, but its heaven. You see the PARASITES in the USA used portable-energy to create a fake uptopia in the artic (nyc), and now that oil is gone, now that usdollar is worthless and nobody will send you oil your world will collapse What can OWS do to change this ??? Not a fucking thing.

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

Don't think of this as a nationalist thing please. America is just one of the more powerful countries controlled by the banks. In a game of chess the queen is the most powerful piece, but still just a fancy pawn to be used in order to protect the king. America is an important tool of the banks but we are not the banks themselves. The banks will sacrifice the USA or any other country if it serves their goal of world domination.

[-] 0 points by owsleader2011 (304) 13 years ago

USA is a failed prison colony, just like Austailia, STUDY YOUR HISTORY.

Today the USA is feeder for the MIL-industrial complex and most important the MERCENARY army, the USA children are fodder to be fed to the machine to go abroad and kill arab children and where ever they're told to go.

Most ameriKKKan's don't have a fucking clue about their place in the world, they're like Germany raised on a US diet of 'we're the best fuck the rest', ...

Post WWII US came to power and DOLLAR became reserve-currency post 1972 without dollar-backing since then the US has held a gun ( nuke ) the worlds head to accept dollars, every country that has demanded GOLD for its oil instead of US-DOLLARs has been bombed back into the stone-age, ... think Iraq, ... Libya

Now we have china & russia rising to power in a few years maybe just 2-3 china will be more powerful than the USA, so the world will fight for this OIL now.

The little OWS children are just fucking PAWNS in this chess game, and so is Israel. It's all been about oil since about 1913, Vietnam was about OIL ( pentagon papers ), everything is about OIL(black gold), before than it was about opium for 200 years ( black gold)

When the oil is gone it will be about water, ... drinking water, Nationalism is fine, but when the money is worthless nationalism will not get you shit.

The banks? They have been paying ZERO for money and collect interest and getting rich on deals for generations and now its all over, so vested interest are panicking.

Spoiled rotten brats of OWS just had $50B stolen from their NYC rich jewish parents, so yes there will be blood on the streets, as they urchin now are very angry at everyone. As their inheritance and college and old is now gone.

[-] 0 points by thrasymaquo (4) 13 years ago

damn- you know all that while living in the Philippines- you are amazing- and everything you said is correct- you got it all right-
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