Forum Post: Glenn Beck "Rebrands" as a Moderate Libe(R)tarian!!
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 12, 2013, 10:17 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
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As if.........LOL
No wonder there's so many libe(R)tarian nut cases around.
He used to be a conse(R)vative libe(R)tarian.
Can we leave 1984 now?
Real libertarians look at Beck’s latest attempted incarnation with a mixture of disgust and annoyance. They don’t want this rodeo clown anywhere near their bandwagon.
Well, I never thought that I would see the day that we wholeheartedly agree. (But, that's it lil' buckaroos.)
Thanks to Murdock and the News Corp. money machine, Beck can buy whatever bandwagon he wants..........:)
I guess that's the REAL free market.
A lesson for the "little" libertarians.
That's how free markets work. Consider yourself schooled by Koch ideology.
Noam slams 'em!!!
Whole Beck is busy building a gulch, Noam has a few words for the Randians.
Are you listening Rand Paul?
January 14, 2013 |
In an interview broadcast on Al Jazeera English, Noam Chomsky argues that people who have the most privilege owe the most to society. "The more privilege you have the more responsibility you have," says Chomsky, "It's elementary."
I actually had a guy in Phoenix tell me in his exact words " You ain't gonna know the real news unless you listen to a.m. radio. " We are so fucking doomed. After taking a weekend trip to Phoenix and the center of the suburban sprawl in this country and seeing Zero Dark Thirty I can say we are truly and utterly fucked.
A zoom through the AM dial in the middle of night, can be a frightening experience.
Those people are nuts.
How many.......corporate people own all those AM stations?
6 us media companies control 90% of the media and 147 companies control the entire world.
I know about all that, but once you get past the AM stations airing sports there must be far fewer left, and even they sometimes sell air time after the games are over.
Who are the ones putting all that trash on the air?
I have three words for both republiclans & libertarians lying greedy self-centered
That fits Beck to a T.
In fact, it fits everything the libe(R)tarians and (R)epleican'ts have done since they legalized treason back in '74'.
who cares about what Glenn Beck is doing?
"[-] 1 points by shooz (16189) 12 hours ago
Many of our posters are avid fans.
Even when they pretend they are not.
He is, in case you aren't aware, a highly syndicated personality."
Comments like yours remind me of those that don't believe Limbaugh has any effect either.
Weren't you the guy on the post about Gaza trying to say it wasn't important?
Yet I'm the asshole because I think Glenn Beck is a douche that no one should care about?
Now I'm remembering why I avoid you and your posts on this forum.
I didn't say it wasn't important.
I said it was a distraction from what we could have an affect on.
Wanna take a look at how far State issues have fallen on the forum?
Like him or not, Beck also has an effect on this country.
Funding wars is a at home issue because funding wars steals tax dollars from social programs.
Discussing war is not a distraction.
Well, in case you are not aware.
Mr. Beck is on record as being STRONGLY pro Israel.
You should take your case to
Glenn Beck is a moron. He also thinks the war in Afghanistan is about freedom, like many politicians of both parties.
I don't know what the is.
What case?
He's a rich libe(R)tarian moron, that informs a large segment of the population.
I had no idea of his views on Afghanistan, so you already know more about him that I do.
Plus I thought we were referencing the Israeli/Palistinian issue.
BTW: I didn't call you any names, so why did you insinuate that I did?
For his next trick, he will build Galt's Gulch.
Give me a break....Glenn Beck is a f'n hack. How do clowns like this ever get an audience that pays attention to anything they say?
Yeah well, he's also a libe(R)tarian.......A moderate one at that.
So would you, as a fellow libe(R)tarian, be to the left of the right of Mr. Beck?
Wait? Don't tell me you have something against rodeo clowns?
It's a living.
I wouldn't classify myself as a libertarian....and i wouldn't classify Beck as one either. Beck seems to be anything that can increase his viewership at that particular time....Ideologically and emotionally....crying on camera every other day...give me a break.
I'm a reformed libertarian myself and Beck is most definitely one.
So are the Kochs and almost every CEO on WallStreet.
Beck is pretty far from a libertarian....he's very pro preemptive protect Israel no matter what they republican candidate no matter who's christian takeover of this country...and on and on.
If every CEO on wallstreet was a libertarian gary johnson would have been pulling in a hell of a lot more money than what he did while running as the 3rd party libertarian candidate.
I know right. Like everyone here saying they are against all the killings from guns, and voted for the same war mongering people as always. Like that is going to bring any change in guns or war.
So easily fooled.
Im just trying to find out if its easier these days, tougher, or has always been about the same.
Whats really sad is people of the past had somewhat of an excuse....there wasn't internet, communications and social media in those days that we have now and perhaps the government could hide much of what it did. Today it's right out in the open and people still couldn't give two shits. Most people in America probably couldn't point at a map and tell you where Afghanistan is even though we've been at war for years there now.
They don't care what you think.
They don't care how you classify them.
They are one and all libe(R)tarian.
I get why you're mad at a lot of the conservatives am I. But you gotta know your enemy....because they are definitely not the same (repubs and libertarians)....not even close. Maybe you hate both of them...but if so then you hate the ideologies of each one...because their ideologies are definitely different.
Libe(R)tarians have infected my government.
They have done so primarily through the (R)epelican't party.
You will not accept what they are.
You do not accept what they do
That's not my problem.
I used to be one, until I figured who and what they are.
I don't enjoy "evil".
How could you used to be a libertarian but call glenn beck one?
Because Glenn Beck IS one.
So are the Koch's.
So is most of WallStreet.
You can deny that all you like, it doesn't change the fact that they are.
I just can't talk to you....don't know why i bothered here.
"Because Glenn Beck IS one."
No he is not...and i just listed about 5-10 things to prove that....5-10 things that are VERY important to libertarians. But then you write back - without anything to back it up - and just state that he is. It's really like arguing with a two year old with you.
You obviously don't even know what a libertarian is and how its different from a conservative. For someone claiming to have been a libertarian that's a little weird. Why don't you do some research and then get back to me so we can have a real discussion.
Wallstreet is not i said....because if they were Gary Johnson would have been rolling in the dough....which he definitely wasn't. I don't know what the ratio's are - but you may be right in saying they are conservative...perhaps there are more on wallstreet that are conservative that democratic...that might be accurate.
You didn't accept a single truth about Mr. P either.
You claim you are not a libe(R)tarian, yet you claim to know everything about them..
You obviously don't, and you've avoided the Koch's throughout....
Knowing that you don't accept the truth, I have to wonder why you bothered to come to their defense.
In the last week, for some odd reason a lot of the earlier threads here dealing with libe(R)tarians and Mr. P bub bled to the top.
You ignored them all.
Your loss, not mine.
"You claim you are not a libe(R)tarian, yet you claim to know everything about them.."
Does that impress you? I know everything about the beliefs of the democrats, republicans, justice and green party as well. Is that a hard concept to grasp that someone would be so incredibly intelligent as to be aware of their political options? Perhaps you should give it a might help direct your anger to the right places.
"You ignored them all."
Nah, i'm just not gonna be enticed into talking to a partisan hack like yourself. I see your comments trying to get me to speak...i just choose to ignore them because you're frankly a waste of my time.l
So, if I don't buy into the latest conspiracy theory, I'm a hack?
sure. I'll believe you.
Its all about the benjamins babay!!
Here's a list of newscorp donors. When they are contributing more to Obama than the Republicans, it should be all the proof everyone needs that this system is a scam that is simply playing with emotions.
Coming up: Rush Limbaugh the Liberal.
On the plate "right" now is the neolibe(R)tarian loony wars.
Can't leave that anything goes loony Alex out of the mix.
On a more realistic and reality based plot.
Libe(R)tarians, with the help of (R)epublicant's, make a bid for a "Galt's Gulch" city state in the middle of the Detroit River.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
$300,000 to become a "citizen", but they are willing to let in immigrants to clean their toilets and serve their cocktails.
Who cares?
Many of our posters are avid fans.
Even when they pretend they are not.
He is, in case you aren't aware, a highly syndicated personality.