Forum Post: Glenn Beck for President
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 1:18 p.m. EST by citizenbornabroad
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Running mate Shawn Hannity Time for REAL Americans to step up and do the right thing!
I can only assume citizenbornabroad still believes in the bible.
I have a copy of that. Will you sign it for me?
BTW, are you ever going to answer my prayer? You know the one about Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann and the jelly donuts?
Build a monument next to Mt Rushmore with Rush Limbaugh's likeness!
Tax cuts for corporations! End the public education system! Forced labor for the 99% who are parasites! Pay shower stalls in Zucotti park!
I can't tell if this is satire or not
We're gunna find out who made this and they will be verry sorry!
Good Lord, what on earth do we need media screamers for? The work for Rupert Murdoch...we need to think about this? This is a joke right?
You mean this forum? The ows movement? Fox news?
I agree. Having a half-wit ape for president would really give the vast majority of Americans a leader they could identify with.
I see where your empty headedness comes from. Keep putting the same shit in you get the same shit out. Reelect Obama it's the same thing at least he is running. Keep following shitty wall st backed politicians and keep shitty economy.
Surveys prove that Beck & Hannity are much more trusted and loved than Obama, and that Fox News is the #1 factual news source for worldwide
Wow saying you are better then Obama is like taking second to last place at special Olympics event sure your mom is proud of you but noone else really cares
Enough games. send those special olympians to the glue factory. They are costing too much money. We need a nation of obedient workers!
Obedience and hard work comes with fair wage and respect. Ever heard of. You get what you pay for
Return to the constitution
End the Fed
No more bailouts
Deport the protesters!
Put on your tricorner hats! Load up the double ought buckshot! Lets route those filthy hippie slackers