Forum Post: Give up we lost.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 3:19 p.m. EST by MichaelAshen
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
In the last few days I've come to understand something, we are not going to change anything. The people? They don't support the movement most I know around here have told me to go join a Tea Party if I want to protest. The government? Lets face it we all know as of next year the right is going to control everything once again.
I'm giving up there's no more point to all of this and really over the last few days we've seen people just get hurt to high hell. So I can't be a part of this or support it anymore.
Concern troll.
Just because you give up don't assume everyone else will.
cut out the crap you know you have never helld a job for more than 2 years keep living off the sweat of hard working Americans
We are sick of you FLEAS Everyone can become a success in America Just work your ass"s off and climb the ladder
In Obama We trusted
Now we are busted
Go get a job today at the bottom of the rung
What an a-hole.
Rather than giving up, get active on a positive plane. IF the majority give in now americans will live for generations under the total control of the few. Just like other countries around the world. Do not give up freedom. They have the power and the money. Only power left to the people is the vote. Get EVERYONE registered to vote. Get EVERYONE organized to vote against the big money. You may still lose, but you will have not given up!
how much are you being paid- for posting here-lol
better go change your diaper