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Forum Post: Give them a massive dose of their own medicine.....DEFY THE SYSTEM FINANCIALLY

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 8:22 a.m. EST by FrogWithWings (1367)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Until you fight to keep what is yours and quit passively allowing them to remove it from your check, each and every week, you'll never change the laws. It's about money and treachery. If the masses stop ponying up the revenue, legally too I must add, those with masses of tax free money will have to or our government will have to change it's spending habits, dramatically.


this will have more direct and immediate impact than billions of marches, while making all working people's lives, less financially strained....



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by wallwillie (39) from Hunter, NY 13 years ago

Corporate Free Speech There needs to be better corporate representation. Money is speech. Every individual, even individual stockholders, "ownership," has a right to free speech. Free speech means no one can force or prevent an individual's speech. Ownership has the right to direct the corporation's speech and political contributions. Majority control of contributions may violate an individual's free speech. Corporate management can speech for the corporation, but ownership needs to authorize that speech. No speech or money spent on political contributions may be made without ownership authorization and such contributions must be taken from the individual's dividends. No dividends means there is no allowance for contributions. Corporate management must poll the ownership to determine the amount and placement of all individual stockholder directed contributions. The assignment of all corporate contributions must be made public so that ownership can verify the correct placement of their contributions. Management can not make contributions on the behalf of nonresponsive ownership and thus can only make contributions for which they have been directly authorized.

Money is speech. Corporations are people, because people get the money. Free speech means people are not forced to pay for someone else's speech. Corporations may not force to pay or deny dividends, to a person who does not approve of money spent on speech. Corporations may only spend money on speech that is taken, by approval, from the people who get the money. Every person who gets money, from the corporation, must approve the money spent on speech, in order to protect the right to free speech. Since the money spent on speech is identifiable with a person then that money is subject to caps associated with that person and must be reported. Also, tax consequences flow, to each person, for tax exempt contributions. If the corporation feels that the cost of polling and reporting the money spent on speech is prohibitive, then the corporation is prohibited from spending on speech. Corporations spend money on product ads and any political placement in a product ad must have unanimous consent of ownership.

[-] 1 points by sunflower (7) 13 years ago

Crash JP morgan, buy Silver!!

[-] 1 points by Nightfalcon (11) 13 years ago

We need to get out of a money system. It is completely corrupt. We need to move towards a resource based economy. if you need more information please go to the Venus project or watch zeitgeist moving forward. It is our only hope to save humanity at this point due to peak phosphorus and other very real problems that will occur. This movement has a REAL chance at moving the world to this. please do not get hijacked into one of the completely bought and paid for parties of this system of governance.

[-] 1 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

You eat the proverbial cow in bites which are small relative to the whole cow. Thinking you can march and instantly do away with our FUBAR democratic republic owned by lobby money, is like attempting to eat the cow, ass first, and in one bite.

[-] 1 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

Well, we have a money system and it is in place for you to exploit right now or be owned by it. If you believe your own words, do your part and show "them" how right you are. Cut them off from your money if you want to change anything. Those with the real money do not understand or care about anything else. Control the money and who writes the laws matters not.

[-] 1 points by kestrel (274) 13 years ago

I'm guessing that excessive taxes is not a problem in this crowd that is why they are calling for more taxes. Shouldn't they be willing to ante up more money since they want all that "free" health care, education, housing? Don't avoid taxes, we all need to pay in enough to get all that "free" stuff.

[-] 1 points by readytogo (80) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

I believe the argument is that the taxes we pay are collected and distributed unjustly - to unnecessary wars & corporate welfare, rather than to things that contribute to a secure, peaceful society, like proper education and a functioning, economically sane health care system.

[-] 1 points by kestrel (274) 13 years ago

60% of all monies spent by the government goes to entitlements (i.e. social security, medicare, medicaid, unemployment and other programs), current spending on education is the highest ever spent by far (up 300% in the last five years). The problem is that the money spent on the wars is really not that large, about $1trillion over the past 10 years (out of a government expense of $30trillion)

[-] 1 points by readytogo (80) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

What is your source? http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/piechart_2011_US_fed http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=1258 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/budget-2010/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expenditures_in_the_United_States_federal_budget

Also, your argument that allocated spending in an area goes to the benefit of the people is false and misleading. Please provide your sources because I don't see your numbers anywhere I've looked. "War" spending, I'm assuming, is ignoring "defense" spending, as well as health care costs for veterans. Education spending (3% is the value our government puts on having an educated populous) is certainly not equitably spent on resources in schools, teacher salaries and infrastructure maintenance and innovation. As I said, its not about taxation as a concept, which is the social contract we have to maintain, protect and improve our community. The frustration and descent is on how our collective pool of taxed income is reinvested into our society that is the problem.

[-] 1 points by kestrel (274) 13 years ago

Your charts work...they prove my point... I apologize.. not 60%, according to your charts 56%

[-] 1 points by readytogo (80) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

I will add that any pie chart we look at does not take into account corporate welfare- all the money we lose by not fairly taxing large corporations and the subsidies we provide large scale farm factories, oil companies and the military industrial industry. All are industries that make astronomical profits, contribute little or nothing to our collective pool of taxes, and benefit from infrastructure paid for with our taxes.

[-] 1 points by Joe (11) 13 years ago

I'm curious. How much profit do you think the average US company makes, percentage-wise? 10%, 25%, 50%?

Also, who do you think pays corporate taxes?

[-] 1 points by readytogo (80) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

We aren't talking about "average" companies. Averages only skew the truth when you are discussing the inequity of 95% vs 5%. 5% of the population controls 85% of America's wealth, leaving the other 95% squabbling to be counted in the left over 15%). Who are these 5%? That is the question you should be asking. Where does their money come from and what do they contribute to the larger society? Oil - a nonrenewable resource that they insist on maintaining despite evolved understanding of its consequences? Weapons sold to all sides to propagate wars? A false economic system based on inescapable debt that manipulates the system to create floods of paper money followed by collapse and consolidation? These are the issues of concern. I am very curious that if you are not concerned about these things, then why are you spending time on this site?

[-] 1 points by Joe (11) 13 years ago

The same reason I watch movies like "Tommy Boy." The characters are hilariously ignorant.

By the way, your numbers are skewed, not that you care about reality.

[-] 1 points by readytogo (80) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Strange to me when people choose to spend the precious little time we have flooding sites they don't agree with with comments just to create arguments rather than engage in thoughtful discussion. We are all incorrect and correct in ways we will only understand by being open to that truth in ourselves. I have no problem being wrong, because I understand no one holds the ultimate truth and when I am proven wrong, I've learned something. I believe our world needs positive change, so am prioritizing time to give this movement my energy and positive energy. Luckily I have been able to reprogram my brain to understand fighting each other is destructive to all of us. Peace to you. I'm out.

[-] 1 points by Joe (11) 13 years ago

Know what else is destructive to all of us? Calling for economic policies that would cause the economy to contract. The US already has the second highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world and the most progressive individual tax system in the industrialized world. The problem isn't that rich people aren't paying enough taxes.

[-] 1 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

Is this crowd afraid to put in it's manifesto that it truly wants socialism? Until this "crowd" takes control of the money, it's wants matter not. The masses of working people pay the lion's share and benefit the least from the laws passed. How many simple votes or shouting voices do a few billion lobby dollars null and void? Most all of them.

[-] 1 points by nadeemahmed (2) 13 years ago

I saw CNN and Erin Burnett commenting on OWS yesterday. She basically said this movement was irrelevant. That the right wing organizes and gets things done, the left wing organizes and dissipates and never votes. She made me sick.

[-] 1 points by Iam4aConvoy (6) 13 years ago

here's another way we can defy them http://occupywallst.org/forum/u-boys-need-a-convoy/