Forum Post: Give back our central bank! No more Rothschild Banking!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 3:17 a.m. EST by Rambo
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"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks...will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Thomas Jefferson I think to change the system we need to destroy the root and rebuild our financial system again and that would be accomplished only if central bank is owned by people!!
North Dakota, the one state that currently has its own bank, is the only state to be in continuous budget surplus since the banking crisis began. North Dakota’s balance sheet is so strong that it recently reduced individual income taxes and property taxes by a combined $400 million and is debating further cuts. It also has the lowest unemployment rate, lowest foreclosure rate and lowest credit card default rate in the country, and it hasn’t had a bank failure in at least the last decade.
Revenues from the Bank of North Dakota (BND) have been a major boost to the state budget. The bank has contributed over $300 million in revenues over the last decade to state coffers, a substantial sum for a state with a population less than one-tenth the size of Los Angeles County. North Dakota is an oil state, but according to a study by the Center for State Innovation, from 2007 to 2009 the BND added nearly as much money to the state’s general fund as oil and gas tax revenues did. Over a 15-year period, according to other data, the BND has contributed more to the state budget than oil taxes have.
Publicly-owned banks were instrumental in funding Germany’s “economic miracle” after the devastation of World War II.
100 years is long enough. End it now.
Look what they have accomplished in that short span of time, since 1913. The US has almost been taken down.
Precisely. Privately-owned banks are privately-owned, period. That's all the description which is needed. At the same time, why didn't the author of the comment call them 'Morgan Banks' or 'Rockefeller Banks' or 'Mellon Banks'? Hmm.
I've been saying this same thing for weeks now. The power to regulate, create and control the value of money Must be returned to the people before any other course of action is undertaken. The people can not destroy the present monetary system because it belongs to the FED and its private shareholders.
Privately-owned banks are not Rothschild banks. To make that comparison is to me an exercise in anti-Semitism, which should revolt us all. Second, while the people should own the banks, we don't have to use a genocidal slave-holder like Jefferson to make the point. He lets the cat out of the bag with his comment about 'the continent their fathers conquered'. The U.S. was founded on theft: theft of land from those who originally lived here; and theft of people--mass kidnapping of millions from Africa.
Indeed, this has nothing to do with anti-semitism
Read this if you want to know more on the Rothschilds
You will understand they have a strong arm in many of the great organisations in the world, like the FED, IMF, banks ... and so on
can you explain your logic? why is this anti Semitic? because he said a Jewish name?