Forum Post: GIRL'S JAW blown off by NATO airstrikes
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 10:32 p.m. EST by theaveng
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Is it any wonder the world hates us? We've been doing this crap since the first Iraq war in 1991.
GRAPHIC video -
That is where the government should cut spending - defense. Not unemployment benefits and social security.
And that Ron Paul guy 'you all' hate so much..... that's his plan. To cut military spending from 800 trillion to 200 trillion, and bring all the soldiers back to defend the U.S. border rather than have them living in Germany, Japan, Italy, Korea, Afghanistan, and so on.
Whoever said I "hate" Ron Lawl? I think he's right about a lot of things, but I do disagree with him about other things such as anarchy.
I said "you all" because I was addressing the general group. BTW notice how the name gets censored in your post... no other Congressman gets censored; only Paul.
I have no idea how I could have typed "Lawl" instead of "Paul." Honestly, it was early in the morning but I'm a very good typist. I did not type "Lawl" on purpose that is all I know. I quite like the guy, by the way. I just don't agree with the anarchy part.
NATO= US. War for profit.
thats messed up.... but what does that have to do with taxing the rich?
It has to do with the people who profit from war being the same people who control Wall Street and control our government.
who exactly is profiting from war? and NATO is not solely american. fyi
the us funds a huge chunk of nato
The same people control all of the western banking cartel and military industrial complex. That includes NATO too.
The rich people in Congress & the White House who are pro-war and want to do some more killing in Syria and Iran.
Also the construction companies that get to rebuild the destroyed country. Exxon-Mobile, British Petroleum, and others that quickly moved-in to lay claim to cheap oil. Plus the Pentagon generals and soldiers who do not get rich, but do gain job security with the never-ending fighting. (Otherwise they would have been downsized.)
And the price is 100,000 dead overseas, and who knows how many casualties like this little girl with destroyed body parts.
And the rich people in Congress & the White House who also profit from war.
i think you have "profiting" and "paying for" mixed up. if you can explain how the white house(im guessing you are refering to the president) and the big bad rich people in congress are profiting, i would love to hear it.
They profit because they get bribed by the people who profit. America has been the muscle for the international banking, oil and defense industry. We're getting screwed because we're their b!tches. They are going to use us until we collapse and then move on to the next patsy.
specific examples would be nice but its fine. first off dont degrade our country by calling us someones bitch thats not true and very unamerican. there is nothing saying that you have to stay in the greatest country on earth, if you want you can take a road trip down to mexico or maybe over to europe where it is so much better, oh wait thats where all those banks that you talked about are located, the banks that are about to fall. yeah good luck with that. and i hope you know that your tax dollars, well my tax dollars not yours because your prolly a lazy peice of sh!t, are going to bail out those banks in europe? weird that doesnt sound like we are their bitch it kinda sounds like we are the only reason why all the banks in europe havent failed yet.
I think that if we're giving them our tax dollars to bail out their failing banks then that sounds exactly like we're being somebody else's bitch. Thanks for proving my point with the example that you requested. And I'm not saying these things because I enjoy being somebody else's bitch. You seem to be the one who enjoys that. You are anti-American if you believe that it ok for OUR tax dollars to be spent for other people's problems because contrary to your baseless assumption I am a taxpayer and I will be paying about 50% of my income to the government for the rest of my life if the brackets stay the same as they are today. Maybe you should re-read your post because it doesn't make any sense, Bubba. Don't think that you can beat me with your redneck America F*ck Yeah! rant. That may sound impressive to the waitresses at the Waffle House but it doesn't work on me.
well i was saying that because we need to reform our tax system and where our money is going primarily, not who is paying the most. and if you are going to be paying 50% in taxes(which prolly isnt true but oh well) why are you advocating for higher taxes, because that tax percentage would imply you were in the top 1%?
I'm not advocating for higher taxes. I'm advocating for stopping the bailouts and stopping inflation and lowering spending and taxes so our economy can get back on track. Some people here think the answer is just to tax the rich and increase social programs but they don't really understand the problem. The problem isn't rich people per's a system that literally steals money from the productive economy like myself and you I'm sure and gives it to certain people in high places by the Federal Reserve's inflation of our currency. When they print dollars it causes the dollars in our pockets to go down in value. If the US was really autonomous as I believe that both of us would hope that it was although it seems we disagree on the actual state of things then do you think we'd be bailing out Europe? The Federal Reserve is just the local branch of the international banking system. A system that robs people around the world of their property and liberty by creating money out of thin air as debt that must be repaid. That's right every dollar in your pocket came into the world as debt that has to be paid back. That's why we got an income tax in the first place in 1913 the same year conveniently enough that our Federal Reserve was established to pay the debt on the Fed's creation of currency. You see when money is created as debt with interest then if they create a trillion dollars then after a year we owe a trillion dollars plus interest which means we have more debt than there is money which means we've allowed ourselves as a nation to become the bitch of an international private banking cartel. Please look it up. I'm not here to fight with you. I'd rather open your eyes to see the world the way it really is.
This documentary may explain more:
Congressmen and presidents and advisers are all millionaires. Where do you think that money comes from?
Even after they leave office, they land cushy jobs with the corporations they helped support.
This is the first anti-war message I have ever seen at OWS, congrat's it's good to see a person with a heart at this miserable kleptocratic site.
Complete disregard for human life ... I have seen a couple of pretty horrible videos regarding these wars for profit. I will/can not watch another. God help us ...
If she wasn't one of the "chosen", it really doesn't matter to the PTB. OTOH, if she was "chosen" then it would be a "crime against humanity". If this is your first exposure to this kind of atrocity, then you have decades of guilt to wash from your hands.
Having the world hate us is part of the plan.
How so?
The US of A is the high-water mark of civilization. Not perfect, but more perfect. The PTB will destroy this because their goal is not perfect union, but absolute dominion. Discrediting the United States of America in the eyes of the world, foreign and domestic, is essential to their goal of destroying human sovereignty.