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Forum Post: Getting rid of the so called "Nobel Prize in Economics"

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 7, 2012, 2:08 a.m. EST by TheGopher (0)
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The so called "Nobel Prize in Economics" is not a real Nobel prize, Alfred Nobel never would have created an economics prize, the original prizes were in real sciences, plus Litterature and Peace. The Swedish Central Bank - The Riksbank - created the prize in 1968 AGAINST the wishes of the descendants of the Nobel family. The prize should be targeted for suspension as it provides false legitimacy to economics - much of whats gone wrong with the world is because the so-called economic sciences have been treated with so much respect, something they do not deserve.



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[-] 1 points by Spade2 (478) 13 years ago

Don't hate on science, no matter the kind.

[-] 1 points by ohmygoodness (158) 13 years ago

Let's build rather than do away with the prize why not use it to reward someone who actually contributes to peace and economic stability.

Getting rid of a reward system is like throwing the baby out with the water.

We might just wipe the slate clean and start rewarding based upon post results rather than preempting-theses by “the innocents” let us give them the benefit of the doubt.

[-] 0 points by owsrebel1984 (-1) 13 years ago

Well at least today Thrassy is using his low-point BOT's, as he now knows his high-point BOT's are so passe.

For the record Economics as taught at the PHD level and above is just a branch of Mathematics, and ergo is a science.

But really this talk is a tag on "KRUGMAN", NYTIME's Nobel prize winning economist that just hits Limbaugh shit eaters everyday over the head.

Thus what theGopher/Spade are really doing is pissing off liberals, but then its all thrassy, but why does he want to piss off liberals, when he is a liberal, ... or what exactly is thrassy?