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Forum Post: Getting Past Right Wing Wall Street Spin!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 7:12 a.m. EST by arealpolitik (154)
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Opinion by John Liming

Why are the Wall Street Protesters there in the first place?

Why are the Right Wing fanatics calling them horrid names such as "Communist" and "Nazi" and "Filthy Hippies?"

Who are these protesters and where did they come from and what got them started on their protests which have now spread all over the world?

The protesters are all kinds of people from almost every walk of life who have come together to voice their frustrations with things like the following:

  1. The growing inequality between the rich and the poor in America. (The ever-widening gap between the "Haves" and the "Have Nots" is causing a lot of suffering and deprivation among certain large groups of Americans.) (And now, perhaps, many others around the world. The movement seems to have gone global!)

  2. Rising unemployment.

  3. Too powerful corporate influence on Politics.

  4. The need for financial reform.

  5. Many other similar concerns.

The protesters are people of all ages, all genders and all ethnic groups.

There are parents and children, doctors and lawyers, artists and students. There are workers and employers... read more,




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[-] 1 points by JustDaDamaja (43) 13 years ago

If OWS focuses on plutocracy + the negative effects of lobbying...which are in my opinion the root cause of the federal deregulation and back-door deals between corp and government...the MEDIA + the 1% have nothing to call us...


complaining about the effects of plutocracy, only allows the media to turn half of the 99% against one another...

the US is already and will always be a mixed economy with both socialistic programs and capitalistic freedom...there is nothing wrong with it being mixed....for the most part we are just looking for REFORM....not a total overhaul...but even then...the focus has to be on the root cause....cuz in actuality, we can do a OCCUPYWALLSTREET ...an OCCUPYFDA....an OCCUPYBOE.....an OCCUPYEPA.....and so on and so forth....

You can twist socialism vs. capitalism and we'll be arguing for decades...

there is nothing the media can do to defend plutocracy...