Forum Post: Getting our Act Together!! For REAL
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:25 a.m. EST by nohome99
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1) have a set demand based on the category of the protest well its Money related ie. end. marriage of bank and sate, Limit length of time in office for congress, cut spending, higher taxes for more wealth, follow FDR foot steps to ending the depression, Change the loan for school maybe a cap on how high it can go, better train system, Dream Act!!, road funding.
2) Code of conduct as a member of the movement ie. No DRUG USE i am sorry guy but if we wanna be taken seriously this is not the time for a good hit of that old bong, no violence, no looting, no raping, Be sanitary!, fight with absolute love!!!
3) Elect Representatives like 5 with one head person
and we can only tackle one thing at a time so we need to save the ending of the drug war and gay marriage after we win this one!
I may not agree with half of #1, but you are spot on with #2. The behavior of some on the Occupy movt is driving folks away.
Wait, so take away the drugs? That means putting an end to OWS.
You would also definetly be putting an end to Occupy Boston too, considering we are the opiate capital of the world and you should read all the newspaper articles over the last weeks of all the activity. Its truly mindblowing stuff. One was about a couple dealing heroin out of their tent with their 6 year old child. Nice huh.
Oh my god that is like the most on point comment I have read so far on this entire site. Cheers to you my good man or miss. By the way I am still laughing and its so goddamned true!!!
Demand from who? Lets clean up the political system. Organize with the opposition. Conservatives in America agree we need to loose private interest campain money, crony capitalisim, reinstate the Glass-Steagal act. The Tea Party is half way there.
Ummm, FDR toke the depression of the 30's and made it the GREAT depression. FDR only prolonged the misery. The buildup of the Industrial Military Complex ended the Great Depression.
Maobummer is doing the same with the "Great Recession".