Forum Post: Get These People Out of YOUR Movement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 11:04 p.m. EST by gibsone76m
from Washington, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I know this IS NOT everyone, but...
Meesa (New York, NY) 2 points 3 hours ago WTF!!!!??! You have to be joking. Don't you even realize the executive assistant opens all of the mail? (Often email, as well.) So all you're accomplishing is hassling that assistant that's paid 450 x less than the CEO. Now you've demonstrated you have NO IDEA how the real world works. reply permalink ↥ ↧ eleven -2 points 2 hours ago Oh yeah? Well, it serves her (and it is always a her) right for working for greedy capitalist scum pig dog vermin whitey! reply permalink ↥ ↧ lisaizonline 1 points 9 seconds ago This is the most immature thing I've ever read. Are you serious? reply permalink
gibsone76m (Washington, NJ) 1 points 44 minutes ago if people stopped shopping there, it would go away. its that simple. Why doesn't it happen? the consumer is greedy too reply permalink edit delete ↥ ↧ pinker 1 points 2 minutes ago greedy? or flat broke trying to feed their families. it's a luxury to be able to boycott Walmart. a luxury the truly poor don't have. reply permalink ↥ ↧ gibsone76m (Washington, NJ) 1 points 1 minute ago then thank wal mart for feeding the poor and stop complaining
I think you need a PR Rep, or some leadership.
The movement has a very bad image for this reason.