Forum Post: Get the Money Out 2
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 4:16 p.m. EST by Fistrated
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Neither party, as much as I'd like to favor one, has an intrinsic reason to remove the money from the political stage. As much as I hate to admit it, Obama is no different in this regard. I can't blame him, as otherwise he wouldn't have had an ounce of a shot at the White House. But this has to start with campaign finance reform. And I'm afraid that's going to be a tough cookie to crack, particularly while the right is still preaching that the 99% is a restless minority. Hopefully, though, once we get past the primaries, the GOP candidate, whoever it is and barring most, will be able to put on some sensible shoes once again and acknowledge not only the legitimacy of the people's movement, but the fact that they won't stand a chance at the oval office until they concede to the 99%. Just in case they don't, we must be sure to maintain a steady level of growth and make our demands clear: Get the Money Out Now!