Forum Post: Get Rid of the Influence of Big Money in Politics
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 1:45 p.m. EST by politicalanimal
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The only thing that will make a difference in the U.S. is changing the structure of government and politics. Trying incremental reforms won't cut it. OWS could really make a difference if they supported a system that got rid of the influence of big money in politics. Lawrence Lessig has written a book called "Republic Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress and a Plan to Stop It". A movement that supported this kind of plan (or something similar) would start to level the playing field. Power in the U.S. is in the hands of the large corporations and a few very wealthy people who buy influence. If the 99% want to matter again, they need to support a radical change in who the political system listens to - that is all about getting money out of politics. This is definitely worth OWS pursuing. Let's get focused.