Forum Post: Get China and Russia to help in the OWS movement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:49 a.m. EST by anonymouschristianterrorist
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Just like the USA used the CIA and the other Countries, they call their allies to help over throw the Middle East countries.
Not the best idea in my opinion; China and Russia would probably be more than happy to "help", but I highly doubt they would do it for the right reasons. Russia and the US currently have a rather strained relationship, especially with Putin headed for the presidency. Given his own dismal human rights record, it would probably be great for him to embarrass this country over human rights, possibly by sending in people who are looking for a fight with the cops. That way he'd get his photo of police beating protesters to wave at Obama next time his human rights record is questioned, but such a confrontation would be uniformly bad for the movement.
As for China, forget it. China has zero problems with the status quo in America; the same greed and stupidity that brought on the crash also drove out manufacturing jobs and made us a bottomless sink into which they can pour exports. Consider this: any real change to the status quo will involve corporate regulation that will (hopefully) make manufacturing in China less profitable and bring jobs back to America from China. Thus, they have every reason to see us fail.
Finally, if we reach out to foreign governments for help, especially Russia (which so many remember as the seat of the Soviet Union) and China (which considers itself communist) you'll be inviting all kinds of trouble. Fox and similar outlets will trumpet it as proof that OWS is really about instituting communism, even the mainstream media will start entertaining it as a possibility, and the moderates that are finally starting to listen will go back to blowing us off.