Forum Post: GET ALL THE $ OUT OF ELECTIONS - the 1 movement we can all unite on to regain our voice while we have the chance. We can argue later.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:58 p.m. EST by smate1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Make it a felony for any executive or lobbyist to be caught within 100 hundred yards of a politician !
Exactly! I was sickened to read about Facebook's action committee now endorsing and funding candidates. What for? They are bribing them, that's why!
Naw, they are citizens too. Just make sure that when they make the bribe they get thrown in the clink. Advocacy is part of a healthy democracy. Graft is a crime.
Let's make bribery and graft illegal. It's currently legal and called "campaign contributions."
Graft is not currently a crime. It needs to be made a crime.
We'll have a much better chance once we get our voice back.
Separation of Corporation and State. We need a Constitutional Amendment to abolish private campaign financing. C-SPAN all debates and eliminate political advertisements.
Eliminate political donations by corporations. And, limit personal donations to candidates.
Fundamentally US government does not work because elections and decisions are biased by external influence money.
very true
Voters’ turnout in North America is constantly going down and people are disillusioned with the electoral process and feel it has now become a bit meaningless to vote. It is not enough for most people just to vote once every four years to elect someone that will later be corrupted or do whatever.
In order to create a better democracy, we need to be able to bypass at least some of the representative process. Modern communications is now allowing us to say what we want as individuals and we no longer need to be represented by people in parliament to take decisions for us. The role of the government should be to propose directions society could take but letting the people decide through referendums (direct democracy). This process, while alleviating corruption by removing some power to elected people, would allow some decisions that no political party would ever attempt to take because they would often be against the interests of influent lobby groups and powerful corporations.
So far, the main stomping block for e voting taking on is revolving around confidentiality (anonymity) and hacking concerns. Those issues could be addressed by having an open e voting system by which the database, although anonymous, would be open allowing voters to verify that their vote is accounted for and accurate. The users could get a random number identifying them in the database and check if that number (or key) is associated with the correct vote for the given referendum, many could be run simultaneously. The best would be to create a package using maybe Open Office as a way for the user to manipulate the database to verify his/her vote and analyze the data if desired. The difficulty in having a representative and legitimate vote is to be able to use the electoral database for the constituencies to generate the individual keys; maybe someone would have to be elected the old fashion way clearly stating this goal as a platform... Looking at what is happening in the Arab world, this might be a way to quickly implement a form of democracy in places where there is nothing yet to support it. Your movement is very fertile ground for these ideas to take roots, there are highly educated motivated people in your group that could make this a reality and elaborate a system that would account for minority rights, server setups, phone interface etc. It could also (one can dream) create a whole new world where every voice can finally be heard and be as important towards decision making as anyone else. No matter the size of the voter’s bank account or number of influential friends: we have to take the power back.
Thanks for your time.
All the politicians at this point comprise a criminal class that do the bidding of their paymasters. They are not leaders in any sense.
They are truly criminal. Their decisions are extremely harmful to people both in this country and especially outside this country (all the wars).
A simple solution; only registered voters can contribute to campaigns. Registered voters can only contribute to campaigns for their own state officials and the presidential election. All campaign contributions at every level of government should be attached to a current registered voter’s registration number at the time they are collected. All contributions will be displayed online and considered to be public information. Anyone should be able to look up any elected official and determine who contributed to that election. Additionally, anyone should be able to see their own contributions and ensure that they have been applied correctly.
We need to distill down all or our grievances into common denominators.
It seems to me the main reason for almost all the problems in this country is a lack of democracy.
That is, rich special interests are able to buy up politicians.
We should all be calling for a ban on money in politics.
That by itself would solve so many problems assuming all loopholes to politicians can be closed as well.
Distill this to the least common denominator around which all other issues revolve.
It is also something we can all agree on.
I saw a sign that read "I couldn't afford to buy a politician so I made this sign instead." It was up on yahoo at the beginning and then removed later. I think the 1% are trying to filter out any mention of getting money out of politics because they know it's the one argument they cannot answer. Instead they censor any mention of it.
Let's make it harder for them to ignore that. Everyone make a reference to this legalized corruption in your sign and the solution of getting money out of politics.
Let's make it impossible for them to ignore this demand. This is a minimal demand for real democracy to exist and one we can all agree on.
I'm in. This is the root cause of many of the country's problems.
1% buy their representation, 99% are left with the scraps.
Now we just have to get the national conversation on track.
I've been plastering this all over the place as much as I can! There are lots of people that get it. But sadly, many still don't. Still lots of posts with endless conversation about taxes and capitalism. I wish the organizers would do something to highlight this issue in a way that could reach a wider audience more efficiently. More efficiently than me , 1 post at a time!
I agree and get the Facebook people out of politics since they are now getting into it. They are a giant corporation and billion dollar industry. They are NOT welcome.
The one thing the 1% don't have an answer for is getting money out of politics.
What are they going to say "No, we want to be able to keep buying up the politicians?"
Let's make this our one central issue because everything else revolves around it and everyone can agree on it.
Those lining the halls of congress should be people like you and I -- not just paid sock puppets for the richest, most powerful lobby groups.
Government was never meant to be in the hands of a "safe" establishment designed to protect the interests of the richest people in the world (the self-titled "Masters of the Universe").
The corrupted politicians have no more special knowledge over what should be done than you or I.
We need to get back to government of the people, for the people, and BY the people...not government by shills bought and paid for by every rich special interest that can throw money at it.
In short, we need to take our country back.
And the first step is something we can all agree on: Getting money out of politics so that democracy can once again have a chance.
We have the best congress money can buy !
We have "one dollar, one vote."
Let's bring back one man, one vote.
Democracy wasn't meant to be just for the richest 1%.
This is the first step in taking back our country.
This is the first step in regaining our voice.
Eliminate the profession of politics institute term limits and decrease salaries. If our highest elected servant has a max of 8 years, so should the rest. Also eliminate the profession of lobbiest.
Something we are much more likely to get if we can get our voice back first.
That is starting points in giving us our voices back. Those are demands(among others) that we call for. Term limits, salary reductions, end of paid lobbying. Without those basic blocks we have no voice. They will continue the same ole same ole. There is no reason for people to be in politics for 20+ years, that's at least 10 years too many.
There's no need to argue ...
There's no need to argue ...
I love the leaderless aspect. Perhaps, if/when there is conflict a 10 minute meditaion / silence can be offered. That way ALL can calm the collective, resulting in true leaderless decisions. In fact 3 10-minute periods of meditation / personal silence / what ever floats your boat is probably all that's required to keep the collective connected to its goal. If we find ourselves reacting to the spew of the 1% and it's faithful, we're in dangerous territory. It's good to process the anger, then let it go. Remember, the beast is within us... unless there's spaciousness and as aspect of compassion for the lost golums, we will become what we oppose.
This, in my opinion, should be the number 1 issue we address.
We can tackle the tough issues we don't all agree on later when we have a fair government. A government that is truly of the people.
I have not had 1 person from either political side disagree with this. It is the key. We must stay focused and not be divided.
Me either... I had this discussion with a few people here on these forums and many others threw out my adult life. This is something i have been saying for years !
Same here.
Will everyone please carry this message to your nearest occupation? This same call and argument. It unites us quicker and focuses our power.
What's the best way to find the nearest occupation?
General rule of thumb...think of the nearest major city and check anywhere on the internet for it. There are over 1000 cities with occupation protests worldwide. Chances are, there is one nearby.
Will do.
Many have been organizing through or as well as the website.
Agreed!! A principle we can all agree on and stand behind.
All we need are unscripted debates to learn about the canidates
Until we get all $ out of elections all the candidates will be the same...bought and paid for.
This is the first step in taking our country back.
This is something we can all agree on (with the exception of the 1% who would no longer simply be able to buy up corrupted politicians).
Hear him! Hear him!
Separation of business and state! Get private money out of public government! United we stand, divided we fall!
Interject $ out of elections whenever you can. We have to force the media to make it an issue.
Lobbyists line up at the trough to get a piece of your tax dollars. You end up paying for wars that do nothing for you and for governments and states you would prefer not to give your money to in the form of "foreign aid."
This and many other evils can be laid at the feet of legalized corruption which is what "campaign contributions" are -- especially when deployed by ultra-wealthy special interests who don't care about you (the one they're getting the money from).
Allowing unlimited amounts of capital to be pumped into a campaign destroys the principle of liberty.
Democracy is impossible when rich special interests can simply buy politicians.
It should be one man, one vote. Not one dollar, one vote -- which it currently is !
Agreed...turn up your volume man!
I have laid out 4 steps that I think could be a starting point in that direction here. .
I wonder if we could rent some protest signs? Just kidding, but I haven't seen any that speak directly to $ in elections.
I hold a sign that says "Democracy is not for sale." A little indirect, but that's the gist of it.
Cool that your involved. Now if we could all focus on just saying the same 1 thing who knows what could happen.
If there is something we can all focus on, this is it. If we can, a scary thing called democracy just might happen.
The first thing you have to do is dream of the goal. The second thing you have to do is believe the goal is possible. After you do those two things, you'd be amazed how rest falls into place. I'm not saying this will be easy, because it won't. But positive, proactive movement is the first step.
YES!! I agree. Many many people will get behind this cause including moderates and some conservatives. How could they not, why would anyone want corporations and wealthier people to be able to to buy up all the political influence. This is what allows them to rig the game and NOTHING WILL CHANGE UNLESS WE FIX IT. We must kick all the lobbyists out of washington, demand public funding for elections. Its a clear message that will bring many people together. It is also a non-partisan cause....the mainstream media, whos strategy is to keep us divided and preoccupied with partisan bickering, will not know what to do if this catches on. This could be the cause that could get millions of people out in the streets, and if that happens we could see some real change.
You are right. They DO divide us. ALL politicians point the fingers at one another (for the camera) and THEY are all of the problem. Them and corporate greed are ALL in bed together. There is NO change, no hope, no fairness unless WE make it.
This has to catch on while we have the chance. We have to stay focused and make this a chant.
Well said. Get to your nearest occupation and spread the message.
Agreed. Also, when divisive issues come up stay focused. We can all agree on this one and argue the other stuff later. We have a real chance here!
Mostly, my friends already all know and are tired of me and told me to write down my I'll keep talking tho. I also see alot of awareness to this point in a lot of people. Just gotta keep on keepin on with the truth.
A new blog I just started with some ideas, and some more forthcoming in the near future.
Just my 2 cents.
I think the key is to keep it really simple and focused. We are so easily divideable...which is why it hasn't worked. We can put our red and blue hats back on later.
Indeed, but hearing calls to end capitalism and turn us into something else is very very scary to many millions of Americans. At the same time those millions understand this point and are largely agreed.
It's that kind of stuff that continues to divide us. Focus for now on what can unite us. Even if it is this one issue. We can argue later.
I have no problem with that idea. I cannot speak for millions of others though. But you already know that. Campaign finance reform should be the number one first thing that WE THE PEOPLE demand changed. That would go along way to get our voices to begin to be heard again. It just might draw some honest politicians to the game as well.
I also support paycuts for Congressmen, Senators, President and his advisors and cabinet staff.
Make it your #1 issue. I have no doubt 99% of us will vote that in once we finally get our voice back.
YES! This is something 99% can rally around. Reach too far and you end up with 2%. Get too left or right you're at 49.5%. But who can argue against the end of institutionalization bribery? This is a rallying cry. And yes, later we can argue about direction, depth, and velocity. We need a message. And we need an early win.
Exactly my sentiments. This is an attainable problem with clear solutions that everyone can get behind.
It's what makes the politicians give money to the banks (bailouts). It's what makes the politicians maintain the wars and handout our dollars to foreign governments.
It's lobbying and money (a lot of the lobby money is tax money that goes back into lobby money to get even more of our tax money).
Now we just have to figure out how to get everyone to SCREAM it! Any ideas?
"Corporate campaign contributions" is LEGALIZED corruption. Get money out of politics ! Make campaign contributions and lobbying illegal.
Unchecked greed of public servants has led to the unchecked greed of banks and corporations to purchase our Government from WE THE PEOPLE. This has been a fight since day one in this country, there has ALWAYS been a fight against central banking. On Dec. 24 1913 the central bankers took control of the reigns. Our public servants have been bought and sold ever since. Passing laws and regulations that have stifled individual freedoms, competition, and incentive preventing Capitalism from existing and flourishing. What we have here is a false free market capitalist society controlled by the very wealthy to be a facist empire. Stop the banks by changing the rules in Washington.
I hope the OWS and everyone else will join together and demand this of our legislators It's at the root of many evils. Toghether we can stand on this. We can argue later.
Here here !
Get all money out of elections.
End LEGALIZED corruption !
It's a start and good things come to those who wait.
Please spread the word. This conversation must be had and it's not...YET.
Several people have expressed similar thoughts here, but it bears repeating.
Dylan Ratigan's "Get the Money Out" amendment has been mentioned, as well.
My wife and I have signed it. It's a good start. Now we just have to figure out how to get everyone to start SCREAMING it.
The numbers are more important than the pitch or amplitude of the screams. I signed it too.
I think the word is spreading like wild fire. It isn't just national it's global. Occupy Together has signed up people in 1,265 cities. When I first checked three or four days ago it was 730. So hang in there.
Signed it.
Thanks, I need all the encouragement I can get!
government has very little to do with our economic problem. Go back to school and retrain yourself while you enjoy the government hand outs!
I love the leaderless aspect. Perhaps, if/when there is conflict a 10 minute meditaion / silence can be offered. That way ALL can calm the collective, resulting in true leaderless decisions. In fact 3 10-minute periods of meditation / personal silence / what ever floats your boat is probably all that's required to keep the collective connected to its goal. If we find ourselves reacting to the spew of the 1% and it's faithful, we're in dangerous territory. It's good to process the anger, then let it go. Remember, the beast is within us... unless there's spaciousness and as aspect of compassion for the lost golums, we will become what we oppose.
Keeping it focused is the key to calm.