Forum Post: Get a real job you dumbasses!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 9:14 p.m. EST by realjob2011
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
To all of the "protestors":
Why don't you stop your complaining and blaming everyone else, especially the "corporations" who make this country great and sustain for free-loading lifestyles.
This is what you get for getting useless degrees in sociology, psychology, and basket-weaving, Maybe if you had some skills and desire, the "corporations" would hire you!
Stop blaming everyone else, pick yourselves up by your bootstraps and go find a job like the rest of us. I represent the "silent majority" who are sick of people looking for a government handout and blaming everyone but themselves. The "rich" 10% pay 75% of all income taxes, how is that "fair" you idiots!! Im sick of supporting YOU. Support yourselves for a change!
I think the proper response to these "Get a job" trolls is "You hiring?"
to the creator of this thread-.....never judge anyone you dont know. If all of a sudden, you lost your job and the title you have given yourself, you would know exactly how it feels to read this type of a declaration.
but they own 85% of everything. if you don't know the value of your own labor, thats your problem buddy.
this reflection tells me more about you than it does about your projections that you want the protesters to carry. Shame on you! you need to feel whats in your heart and get some anger management.
Last 10 years CEO pay has quadrupled and the average worker has lost 10%....the financial collapse created by greed of these same CEO's resulted in the top 10% getting even richer...our elections are sold to the highest bidder....foreign countries can donate to our candidates...STOP BLAMING POOR PEOPLE!
I have a degree in Computer Science, and a great job as a Software Developer. I am against corporate influence in american politics, and I support OWS.
So you actually think corporation will ever not be able to have influence?
fuck the corporations and fuck you!
Jesus Christ. When did we turn into a nation of whiny corporate ass suckers?
I see no one here demanding hand outs. They are demanding that people need to take back control of their destiny and no longer give in to corporate power. We want the stop of corporate influence over our government. We want the gap between rich and poor to reverse. We want basic human necessities of health care, a reliable form of retirement, a way to contribute to society through a job that I'm suited for. Not everyone is good at being a mechanic. Not everyone is good at being a nurse. I know a lot of really good people that should never touch a syringe. You say get a job, but that's an ignorant statement, because not everyone can get a job. Some people can mow lawns, but there isn't enough lawns to mow. I'm a pharmacist. I'd love to start my own pharmacy and not work for a CVS or Walgreens, but Walmart started selling drugs for $4 and put all the small independent pharmacies out of business. I can honestly say that Walmart did not make this country great and is a perfect example of why people can't pick themselves up by the bootstraps and make a living.
not everyone is good at being an accountant
Reagan spoke of "silent majority" when he wanted to issues policy to his likings
You can't deny there needs to be some sort of change... this may or may not be it, only time will tell but SOMETHING needs to happen!
Got two of 'em, but thanks.
I already have a job. You certainly aren't supporting me. Nice generalization there. Just because I support this movement doesn't mean that I'm sitting around on my ass waiting for someone to give me money.
Um, admins? Mods? The OP is a troll message. This thread needs to be deleted.
You are far from the majority, and I liked you much better when you were silent. No one's buying your BS, come up with something original.
PS, a great many of us have jobs, the rest can't find one. Why don't you dig into that pocketbook and hire some of them? If you'd done it 2 years ago, this protest probably wouldn't be happening.
We agree. Just because someone doesn't want to pay for other peoples vacations in a park doesn't mean they're trolls. It means that they're someone you would listen to if you had any self-respect.
lol 16 supporters and you samefag your own fb page. lolol goddamn you are pathetic.
try not to use the word you
I think you forgot to complete your sentence.
Amen! My wife has a nursing degree. I have a degree in engineering. We are both gainfully employed and we hate this OWS garbage. It's just trust fund babies running around spouting Marx.
What a joke!
I don't have a trust fund and I'm certainly not spouting Marxism. I would just like to be able to pick myself up by the bootstraps and get a job, exactly as realjob2011 says. My brother has a degree in engineering and I'm very proud of him for holding such a stable full time job. I, however, have a BA and won't even be interviewed for part time jobs.
This isn't just a bunch of people complaining- many of us have been looking for work for months on end. Many of us are young college graduates who worked our way through college or owe a great deal of student debt. We're all looking very hard for jobs and assuming that all of us are just evil communists who hate America and want to live on welfare is kind of absurd.
Flush your BA and go to a vo-tech and learn a trade.
See, that's the thing- you just told me to literally flush a four year degree down the toilet. I actually am pursuing a certification in accounting now, because my BA, as you've pointed out means nothing.
But don't you think that's absurd? My whole generation was pushed towards Bachelor's degrees and four year college programs. Now, when we say "Hey, so...uh- can we get jobs with our BAs?" Everyone tells us, "No, go learn a trade." or "Why don't you have a masters?"
That's not a great solution and I think it's legitimate for my generation to be a little pissed off about it.