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Forum Post: Germans are with you

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 9:01 a.m. EST by Semper (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I just wanted to let you brave people know, that the mass media in Germany is completely ignoring you the last days. They only wrote something when you guys started, but even then were pushing everything into the wrong view like calling you 'Rage Citizens', who are just frustrated by their own situation (they did the same with german protesters lately quiet often). Now, after they have realized, you guys are serious, they have stopped reporting about the movement or just in side notes. Maybe you know that the german mass media is only allowed to write what is approved by the US gov. I personally have seen a real journalists sample contract from the BILD - the biggest Boulevard newspaper in Germany - where the journalists are forced to write only pro US gov articles or according to the inputs of the editorial office as a filtering instance. You can bet thats goes also for the other big medias here. But only few german know about that or believe that.

The thing is, they (the govs of the world) are afraid! Afraid of you, afraid of us. They try to suppress the movement and the upcoming awareness. They deny something big is going on or lie about our motives to keep all others quiet and unaware.

I wish you and us people all the best! Don't give up! You not only do this for your country, but also for the rest of the world... as all the movements around the world lately.

With peace and love from Germany



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[-] 1 points by MechanicalMoney (208) 13 years ago

Misinformation is a weapon in media to control minds

Who decide about media ? Governement in my country...and what can you see ? Only people and sport an religious events, that's all.

Real information is very hard to gain sometimes, because informations is the matter of opinions, so two posssibilites :

1°) No informations, but people have different origins to get its.

2°)Too much informations, by flooding people who can't have a definite point of view.

See nuclear problem after Fukushima...In Germany Merckel said 'we must go out of nuclear industry, in France "We can't go out of nuclear industry"...