Forum Post: Gerald Celente's 2012 'Top Trend' : "Prepare for an Economic 9/11 and Economic Martial Law" !!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 3:42 p.m. EST by shadz66
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"Prepare for an Economic 9/11 and Economic Martial Law" : "The entire global economic system is collapsing"
Gerald Celente talks to Lew Rockwell about his top trend forecast for 2012 :
God Bless The 99% and God Damn The 1% OF The 1% [The Parasitic 0.01% !]
fiat justitia RUAT COELUM !!
Gerald Celente should seriously get into stand up comedy... he doesn't hate people, he just makes fun of them, it's more effective that way. :)
@lexrai : You have a point. However, if Celente's comedic opprobrium and ire can be focused on the likes of MF-Global and John "should be sleeping with the fishes" Corzine, then give Gerald a stage and a platform on Saturday night peak time TV, I say !! veritas ... ab absurdum .. x .
VIDEO : Paul Craig Roberts ; "Congress is Repealing the Constitution", . caveat ...
Funny how lately I've seen programs actually promoting the 1% lifestyle ,actually saying this is where the 1% live or the 1% taking over the 1% . Is this a bate and switch!!??
Yep...2012 is coming and it won't be in support of the 1%.
Mene Mene .... "The Writing Is On The Wall" ... !! .